
She'd never have made this plea to a male author. The world is always big enough for more male musicians and writers, but it shrinks right up for women. Anyone who makes a splash in the music world is always "the next ____" fill in the blank. The next Madonna, the next Sheryl Crow, the next Taylor Swift, the next,

I know. Marc Blucas has all the charisma of Jaden Smith.

I've been meaning to watch that.

THANK YOU for posting this. Love Wilmore.

Yes, the absolutely do.

Dude, this song was, if you'll forgive me... MY JAM in like, 1999.

Oh gawd. Can we keep Hilton classified forever under 'distasteful orange ghoul'? As a white gay guy who at least tries to keep an eye on his privilege and unwanted-but-lurking-in-the-inherited-white-subconscious casual racism/sexism, I want to be taxonomically as far removed from him as possible.

Agreed - luckily when I was first coming out and moved from farmland peeA to the big city mumbletymumble years ago, I was adopted by a bunch of (semi-)separatist lesbians - I can only guess I was judged 'mostly harmless', as Douglas Adams would say - and got a quick education about presumptions, casual sexism/racism,

Hey Perez:

I am honestly curious - have you heard anyone say the "War of Northern Aggression" other than sarcastically? Do people actually say that?

I'm dying right now. That flag is perfect

We have problems in Texas, but we are nowhere near the league of Arizona or Florida when it comes to crazy. When a District Attorney tries to keep an innocent man in prison, he gets voted out in Texas. The DA trying to keep a proven innocent woman in prison is praised and reelected in Arizona. Texas made teens sexting

Hear hear.
I always used to say, "I'll never have children...I would never be able to live with myself if my children felt towards me the same way I feel towards my parents."

And, oddly enough, also not from Florida!

"Every time you say the word unit or box or equipment I feel a penis here, I feel a penis here, I feel a penis here, I am halfway to pregnant."

I miss the days when all I knew of this guy was his music.

Yikes. Haven't heard those.

Laura Bush just sighed, fixed herself a gin rickey, and ran over another pedestrian.