Really, why not debut it today. I could tell my husband I don't care about the super bowl, I am in bed watching porn. It would devolve into a cardiac arrest most likely from the torment, but a funny story for the kids.
Really, why not debut it today. I could tell my husband I don't care about the super bowl, I am in bed watching porn. It would devolve into a cardiac arrest most likely from the torment, but a funny story for the kids.
As someone who has married into a football loving family but has no real interest in it myself, here is my simple survival guide.
"Lady boner dead" about sums it up. RIP Hiddleston and Cumberbatch crushes... RIP
I'm not sure what good asking those people who've worked with Woody about what they think of Dylan Farrow. It's not like they're going to say 'Oh my God, I totally regret working with that pedophile NEVER AGAIN'. Hollywood don't give two fucks.
Based on what I've read this week, Scarlett Johansson will stop supporting children charities and will sign a new movie deal with Woody Allen. :P
That's a great point about the patient attached to the wound. A lot of the stuff I thought I'd freak out over with my kids is no big deal because they need me and all I see is my kid in need, not the bloody mouth or whatever.
hunker down and do your work and get out as quickly as you can!!!!!!!!
Can we please get an "unretouched" video?
OMG I hate the ass writing with the wrath of a thousand suns. They basically scream objectify me. I mean they don't do that shit with boys. Sorry ya its not appropriate for a little girl and its one of the few clothing choices that makes me think less of the person wearing them. The only thing worse are those Ed Hardy…
Ehhhhhh, not really.
I saw this in The Guardian and scrolled down to the comments. Big. Mistake. The whole thing is absurdly racist and sexist, and of course, I'm overly sensitive for thinking so.
... are you offering a reward?
I would normally believe that, except that these are two artsy like 19 year olds. If they're anything like say, your average sophomore musical theatre majors at any college, this is actually remarkably restrained in terms of theatrics. If they weren't famouses, I'd expect the next move would be an angry, self-written…
Dear Editor,
Holy shitballs, Craig Ferguson. My pants would break the floor they'd fall off so fast.
There's an (apparently unGoogleable) fairy tale about a queen with seven daughters. The king/father decrees that the daughter with the longest hair will be queen and she and her husband will rule the kingdom. Six nursemaids are assigned to the six oldest princesses—all blond—and they are obsessively groomed. The…