
Good lord, people. Maybe stop clutching your pearls with both hands and use one to change the damn channel? My eyes, look at them roll.

Hey now, he has a very serious condition called "I am unable to look at women weighing more than 130 pound for more than 5 secondsitis". It makes it impossible to properly categorize the picture He just recognizes more pixels than usual and make a desperate choice, stuck in a job he is unfit but most excel at to save

I remember Tyra Banks, of all people, being put into a fat suit and putting prosthetics on and going out in public. By the end of the segment she was crying on the street because of how people were treating "her." Sadly, I don't believe this suit is one that would make the wearer actually appear obese to bystanders,

Maybe I misspoke. It is commercial exploitation. But its disingenuous on NASA and the families part for complaining about it. It has been commercially exploited since the very moment it happened.

A lot of these guys have the idea that they suffered growing up because of their nerd interests, and are displeased to see other people not suffering for those same interests, which are now mainstream. But their mistake lies in this:

I would bang him like a screen door in a hurricane. And now, back to my classy, housewifey self.

The stress of racism is a real public health concern. For example, even when you control for socioeconomic status and access to healthcare, black women still have worse health outcomes than white women. This is not genetic; these outcomes (like high infant mortality and low birth weight) are not observed in women of

I just commented on the same thing and some douche had to tell me about how stress isn't medically relevant and there is no way to control for it in a research setting!

Fine as hell and kind and fucking beautiful. The lines in this part DESTROY me. He says that awesome thing about life being full of complications. Then the phone rings the second time around, he says, "Will it make him better?" BECAUSE HE CARES. She says, "No," and goes about the utterly futile answering of the

cock-blocktopus made me snort tea out of my nose

Does it count at all that I fell in love with Paul Rudd in Clueless? That's practically the same thing... right?

It actually started out as the Kickball & Knitting Klan, and then things took a dark turn....

That is an outright lie. You are desperate now. Just back away and take some time to think. Seriously. Ive noticed you on other threads and liked your comments. You aren't a bad person. But you are wrong here. And you aren't doing yourself any favors by digging in.

"Black people" not "blacks".

Because women are incapable of making sexual choices of their own volition? Or just the black ones?

I hear you loud and clear. I am SO sick of the hate. I am also so sick of the privileged, judgemental way in which people criticize her feminism. Different women have different approaches to feminism, based on a whole lot of factors.

The more entrenched a woman is within patriarchal cultures, attitudes and social

Yeah, it's like when it comes to black female performing artists, everyone gets all Highlander and shit. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.

You can probably carve out that zone for yourself by not clicking on articles that are specifically and entirely about Beyonce.

I remember reading one of her books ages ago, precisely one of her books.