Peggy's Pizza House

Amazing comment/username synergy.

Eagleton is definitely, without a doubt, Mill Valley, CA

Your audience selection is great!

Not with an All-American name like Gordon Shumway!

No TV no beer make Homer . . . something something

It’s pretty cool how they used colorblind casting for that Emma Stone movie.

Ugh, that sucks. The only time something like that happened to me was when I smoked hash for the first and last time back in college. I truly wanted to die.

Oh my god, I love your avatar/username.


Your country is in a pretty rough place when you're relieved to learn that an adviser to the president recognizes that the death of 10 million people in South Korea would be a bad thing.

Hey, I walked by the Golden1 Center in Sacramento when they were having an Avenged Sevenfold concert and I thought of you. Just wanted to let you know that you mean something to me.

"the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!"

Jon Hamm is so goddamn crazysexybeautiful that I can't even fantasize about having sex with him because knowing that he'd be totally slumming kills my lady boner.

Ew, Cher doesn't shop sales.

You fat 400 pound hacker fuck!

Me neither. I love the beginning, when Jessica and Phoebe chat, but in the couple episodes I've listened to I found the invited comedians to be painfully unfunny. If it was just the 2 Dope Queens shooting the shit and/or interviewing people, it would easily be a favorite podcast.

Well, they have an association with California so they're a liberal, coastal elitist fruit.

Saw this trailer before something I saw recently and rolled my eyes so hard I think I snapped my optic nerve. Hollywood: stop trying to make us think young, rich, straight, whiny white guys in New York are interesting.

Will we be able to sort comments? Not being able to sort by newest/oldest is one of my biggest Kinja pet peeves.