Peggy's Pizza House

I certainly wouldn't step into a river in China without protective clothing of some kind. Hazmat suit or minion costume, eh, what's the difference.

Middle school hallway, sixth grade. This kid that we had tormented mercilessly throughout fifth grade for having a pig face (sorry Justin) had brought in a little radio, heard the verdict and announced it to everyone.

"Patrick Batemen did not have some good ideas"

I fume with hatred toward this man. I think my ranking goes, with the most hated at number one:

I went on that one day just to explore the worst of humanity, and man did I regret it. Some guy was bitching about a little girl — a *child* — for 'manipulating' the little boys she was playing with. It also made me realize with horror that some of these monsters have daughters.

Trump is the crystallized form of a trashy, hypocritical society that makes women feel like shit for their appearance and aging but then mocks them mercilessly for using the tools available to make themselves look acceptable.

Something something 4th dimensional chess

Josh Charles is one of my celebrity crushes that I forget about until he appears in something. He's fiiiiiine.

Get ready to pucker up.

Finally!#!$! Someone in the MSM telling the truth about these radical Islamists!

I don't know, it's basically the size of my San Francisco apartment.

I'm finding myself sexually attracted to this Liam Maloney and his rad 90s R&B playlist.

"I have no underlying issues to address. I'm certifiably cute and adorably obsessed!"

Yep. I think it's the only book I was ever assigned from kindergarten through graduating from college that I didn't actually finish reading. The shame, it haunts me.

This article was sad and it made me feel sad.

Loved season one but gah, I hope Issa shows some growth in the next season. Part of me wants Molly to dump Issa and those two other shitty friends and go find some non-assholes to hang out with.

The best part about visiting the Paris catacombs is that security checks your bags . . . on your way out.

NOOOO. Fucking hate Kinja. You can't sort comments at all. I don't spend a ton of time on Kinja sites, but I like Jezebel's annual ghost story posts, and you can't sort by newest or oldest posts rather than the Approved Kinja Order of Importance. So if you leave the page and want to read more ghost stories, fuck you,

Wow, great work!

Ha. I've had a good night's sleep and am less pissed off today. You're granted a stay of execution.