It does have a certain ring to it. I’m getting my David Thewlis waxed.
Yep. That’s totally not biased. Not biased at all.
I work in media. Sadly, most publications are still run by white straight men who have every sympathy for men who look like them and went to some of the schools they went to.
Don’t forget he’s from “a bitterly broken home.” Because that justifies...what exactly?
Where's the part about Labrie being warned to stay away from girls, in case he might rape them? Oh, wait — that never happened, I'm guessing. Society fails, yet again.
I definitely had this with a kid at my high school. Luckily I did not pursue it, because I learned as a kid that relationships don’t work if you go in expecting a person to change for/because of you.
Opening shot:
I don’t necessarily think he is. Maybe artistic would have been better? It was just the best comparison I could think of, which kind of stems from the way the Athena/Odyseus relationship is analyzed.
I am currently a film major at the renowned film school, University of Maryland, and I would be happy to direct and write this film for you. I have a $100 budget to work with, but I believe in the vision of this film.
I would if I could. Hell, if I had the money to finance my own film, this is the film I would make.
Bitterness and spite are my two most natural states.
God, Socks, they’re called pecs.
I vote for this one
Was hoping for ‘kabloom’
Confession: I am Rhonda.
And Rhonda is so true. Hollywood is like a golf country club. You have to pay or be invited to get in.
“Rocky is a science fiction movie.”
Best joke of the entire night. And I say that as a die-hard Rocky fan.