Pee On Shae Joy

Not sure you were supposed to laugh. But you are not to blame. Satire is an efficient way to get you to think about shit you could give a fuck about. pretty soon, we’ll all have skin in the game, and I pray on the lives of my children that the majority of humans will think outside of the two foot halo around

Okay, but maybe he is only at the top because he gets amazing scripts thrown at him every year. That does not make him the best actor of our age. Chris Rock addressed this in his monologue. Leo gets thrown a great script every year since the beginning of time. And this is the first year he has won, and it was mostly

And yet, he is not acting on a cruise ship. Have you seen bad actors? Because holy shit Leo is NOT a bad actor. I’m no superfan but let’s be real, the dude is the top 1% of talented actors ever. It’s a situation where people trash pro athletes without acknowledging it’s .0009% likely one will ever be a pro athlete.

Not meant to offend. Just commentary on the sexist side of Hollywood.

Why not both? ;)

He is what Simon Cowell would call a “cruise ship performer”.

Leo is a capital-A Actor.

God I was hoping for Mad Max against all odds. But, Margaret Sixel’s win just made me so happy, especially as a female film student.

And let’s pretend that there’s no controversy for a moment. He’s simply nailing being a host in that he’s not boring. Now, add that to the fact that this specific ceremony is so tense. Damn! what a fantastic job he’s doing.

I thought “Best Black Friend” award was brilliant. Wanda Sykes. LOL. Pure truthbomb and the awkward silence made it even funnier.

Same here, I thought the Ray Charles joke was the best one. Movie and his death came out the same year.

Ilaughed because it’s true and even if it wasn’t, the jokes were just funny. Rock hits the same funny bone as Carlin.

Tonight is a GOOD. NIGHT.

Definitely some great moments, and definitely a couple missteps. All in all I thought it was hilarious, and if people feel uncomfortable, then MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Same. If only because I know so many low-key racist sorority girls.

Sorority Rhonda.

There will be massive pearl clutching across ‘murica.

Chris Rock is a gift. HE IS A TREASURE. FIGHT ME.