Pee On Shae Joy


I read it like 10 years ago and loved it. I’m so happy a ton of other people are getting into him now because of the musical, because now I can have actual conversations about Alexander Hamilton with people (whilst pushing down my “I loved him/this book BEFORE it was cool!” hipster jerk tendencies).

Chernow is a great writer, one of the best. He also wrote biographies of Washington and Grant, and I actually find his finance biographies (Rockefeller, the Warburgs) even more interesting.

Yes, I think the ones who have time/want to chat come to the door. So gracious!

Was so amazing. LMM and I had a moment.

You are right! It was and they were!

That actually sounds really tasty! I love throwing together random things to make yummy drinks. Unfortunately, after The Great Homemade Sangria Hangover of ‘09 I can’t drink it anymore.

I am dying to read that book, as soon as I finish my research project and fucking around on Kinja.

“The orrrphanage”

I’m getting it too! I want to know ALL the backstory. I typically enjoy biographies, though.

Good choice. I might go gray for the work tote I will eventually get when I graduate from college.

UGH I AM SO JEALOUS. The Prada totes are so gorgeous. What color did you get?

I’ll bet Blake loved it!

For me it was an old boss. I was so captivated it became this weird emotional cycle. Her sun/shadow description is dead on. It literally took an out of body experience for me to muster up the courage/strength (?) to quit that job. And the stars perfectly aligned to help me because otherwise I’d probably still be


7.5 years for me. Mine ended up also being a cheater besides all the fun things you just listed.

I married sort of that person. He is usually the smartest person in the room and I love him for it, I just wish sometimes he was a little less aware that he is the smartest person in the room. It works for us, but arrogance often goes right along with intelligence and charm.

six years out and realized I blacked out all of our relationship to get over him/be sane. bits and pieces are just now floating to the surface. hang in there.

Preach. 8 years here.

Yes! My ex had an IQ, according to a test he took at a management training course, of 168. I love a smart man. I did not love his continual condescension toward my family, friends, and sometimes me, and he was also manipulative and a gaslighter. Gaslighting is the worst—it makes you feel like you’re losing your mind,