Pee On Shae Joy

Same here. It’s crazy how much you can overlook when their brain is just so damn captivating!

*raises hand*

Yeah, I hitched my wagon to that particular star for about 10 years. Then realized he was also emotionally manipulative, a gaslighter, and a straight up abuser. Sooooo, I got OUT.

You know how you read things, and you just know that whoever came up with them is on crack? This is one of those times.

Hard to believe the year is TWO THOUSAND sixteen and superstitions like that still inhabit some people.

Socks, it’s been my experience that filthy whore vaginas are the best kind. ;-)

There is nothing like a parent who is a surgeon to teach you that unless you’ve been through medical school (and really, at least a year of residency), you should shut the fuck up instead of giving anyone medical advice, or otherwise commenting on their health .

Yeah, that was his story in public, anyway.

It means that he thinks ordinary citizens shouldn’t shoot black people for looking at them funny. That’s a job for the police.

I can totally see that. I could even see him just having his own room/suite. Maybe not even next door (but to his/her credit at least on the same floor).

I fucking love you.

Same. I have reached “just can’t even” with Kanye.

I once left a mark on my sister’s arm from pinching that lasted two weeks. Didn’t bruise, just skin indentation. My best work.

Adrastra fun fact: I was an expert pincher from about age 6-12. A substantial size/strength difference between siblings leads to dirty/efficient fighting. The key is to pinch the smallest amount of skin possible with as much nail as possible.

I agree with VTDkDude below. Anytime I can afford a 2 bedroom suite while traveling with my son I do. He actually prefers it too. I could totes see Kim being in a suite with them.

Suite/room it’s all the same. :)


I’ve been all over america as a lesbian, and parts of europe too. This is normal everywhere and you do learn to laugh about it - but it makes you angry all the same.

Maybe because she’s being shoved down our throats? But I try not to blame her for that, since her presence in things tends to be understated and on the “I’m humble but have a sense of humor” side. Plus she’s been in some awesome movies doing good work.

I see her name, I think of cheese.