Pee On Shae Joy

Justice feels really good. How about we get some rape kits tested?

Along with the casual mention of just trying to find his friend in the damn morgue :(.

I many people look at posts such as the one above of Kylie (possibly wearing something from her collaboration with Puma?) and not know that they’re sponsored content? Does Kendall really need to tag her Estee Lauder stuff with #ad? How different is this from a model posting a shot from a print ad campaign?

i’m sorry. i understand. i hope you get a few minutes to yourself to just decompress and breathe.

i hate that. do they have kids? my friends with kids do that. i’m sure they are exhausted and i feel for them and have offered to babysit, but still it gets kind of annoying.

You should come to Twitter! #twinja

You should come to Twitter! #twinja

Of course not. Three per day is certainly enough to make your quota! Relax and snack and chill....

I think you are totally on-track with numbers 2 and 4. Especially 4. Bell peppers, in my idiosyncratic and humble opinion, are an abomination.

I honestly don’t understand where this dick pic thing came from? Does anyone actually like this? Why did men start doing it? I don’t get it. Glad I’m old and married.

Yeah, agree. I’m an Old, so I got married (luckily) pre-tindr/Grindr/whatevr and I’m grateful for this. I met my wife online, but it was in a more controlled & civilized time. Never in my wildest dreams would I be chatting with someone and think “sending them a picture of my boner is a good idea!”

EXCUSE ME I AM NOT. I am an excellent role model. And yeah, I definitely have a better chance of meeting Malia.

I want the Obamas to adopt me. I think Sasha and I would get along. She seems to be the straight-laced one.

Phelps is surely having a good laugh about this. Actually, I’d bet anyone on the team who has a level of maturity greater than a sophomore frat boy is having a good laugh about this.

I can get behind that. I am a heterosexual woman and fond of dicks, but photos are not necessarily the medium in which they shine. I can genuinely say I’ve never seen an unsolicited dick pic that gave me any remotely sexual feelings. The feelings they inspire are (mostly), “Ugh, you are a gross pig for sending that,”

oh god! yeah, that’s an awful situation.

You know you’ve fucked up when Courtney fucking Love tells you to grow up.

Yeah, dick pics should never happen unless upon request. I don’t know one single person who has been happy about getting a surprise dick pic

Mongooses are actually kind of badass though. Anthony Weiner is like a middle aged pantsless guinea pig dressed in a cheap dominatrix halloween costume in a purple PT Cruiser blasting Nsync in the Dairy Queen parking lot on a Friday night and trying to pick up college girls. Nothing badass, all just bad.

Soooooo.....I just googled “haunted mongoose”. My life will never be the same.