Pee On Shae Joy

You and my sweet Fillion-crazed husband as well.

Ouch!! Then on top of that your sister and her partner trying to protect each other from seeing the other crying! My heart hurts from reading that!!

Johnny Depp looks like he hasn’t showered ever.

Now playing

A fruit salad? I always peel oranges “à vif” for this use (ie, removing the white membrane entirely; sorry I have no idea how to say that in English )

This. Every subtle (and not subtle) diminishment because we’re “other” is one more burden. Sometimes it’s just not worth fighting, and crying over the stupidity is the only answer we have left.

Did I miss it? Really? No: Planet Earth 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Yeah, but most of us make it to like 25 before we just give up and move away.

THANK YOU. It’s not all rednecks down here. And these sorts of things happen EVERYWHERE, not just the south.

Show your sister the stars here - that many people really, truly and honestly don’t want her to be sad and give absolutely no fucks who she loves/sleeps with.

I’m a staunch 20% gratuity type of gal, but if someone insults you in that way, as far as I’m concerned, it’s well within the realm of normalcy to just walk out and not pay the bill at all.

You just want to try and have a nice evening together and taking off would cast a shadow over that. Plus, it seems like things got worse over dinner, not only at the entrance, so I get it.

That is so touching and sad, I’m so sorry.

My sister and her girlfriend, and myself and my partner, we all “double date” together because then people assume it’s two straight couples and don’t give us shit. They go out together, almost every time they get some arsehole comment about needing a man to show them a good time or offering to show them how to have


*comments as an undercover genderfluid asexual panromantic polyamarous socialist hippie in the middle of one of the biggest Amish regions in the US who was raised in a fundamentalist bubble and never even had a single non-evangelical-Christian friend until they were 25*

Hey, don’t insult Top Ramen, that was my Valentine’s date!

Now all I am thinking about is a threesome with Brendan Frasier and Nathan Fillion.

Shit, that’s awful. The fact that they protected each other by crying separately and out of sight just breaks a hippo’s heart. Love should be celebrated, not denegrated. Give them lots of hugs.

I just want to send them the biggest damn hug.

Not all people.