Pee On Shae Joy

Yeah I was going to say. That’s just as persistent (and false sadly) a rumor as Courtney Cox with Matt Lebanc or Matthew Perry.

I think you just... look at it, at that point. Just stare at it and think deeply about the choices you’ve made in your life. Or maybe you use your knife to cut it in half *shudder* and use it to cover your nipples in the continuation of that “artsy” shoot.

The second most heinous thing in this article is the fact that she’s peeling an orange with a freaking knife. Who does that? Satan, that’s who.


Post-racial society cause black President, of course.

But it’s the same with any tight female friendship...Oprah and Gayle?

IDK what’s worse - what she’s doing to herself, or that FUGLY sink in the background.

It’s weird right? There’s no racism - then you see people say shit like this, shit you literally find it hard to believe that people would actually say. Not because you don’t believe it, because it seems so far past ridiculous you could have made it up if you tried.

There are people who pay good money and do all sorts of unnecessary mutilation of their lips in order to achieve what this glorious creature has naturally. She’s gorgeous! Don’t be jealous - just keep paying for lip injections, lip implants and lip glosses with cinnamon oil to make your lips look fuller.

Pat Sajak is kind of hilarious?

“ Now, just imagine you’re weightless, in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by tiny little seahorses.”

Doogie Howser, MDick

Dr. Dre’s was better.

Ugh, WHY do people continue to use this pose? It’s the worst. It doesn’t make you look cute or intelligent - it does the opposite, in fact. STAHP.

I only had a minute.

I’m so happy it’s a slow day at work.

bwaahhahahah exactly

All it needs is a ghostly version of him in the top right corner, staring at the bigger him.