Pee On Shae Joy

It’s too late. I saw a hipster with that exact haircut just a few days ago.

Agh, it’s like her hair was centre-parted all day, then her stylist just brushed it forward for the event. Just no.

For Zendaya? There’s a good chance Jesus would wear one.

“Why is there a top in the other picture? What is it for?” - People not from puritan countries.

What about Rousey? Wearing nothing but paint to the beach is not a bright idea...

If the right ever gets their drconian immegration plans implemented, I’m down for the “throw out Peirs Morgan, keep Oliver” campaign. Actually I’m down for any “throw out Peirs Moragn” campaign. Out of television, out of the country, out of a window...

Re: Mariah, everything about that picture screams that buddy’s overstepping the bounds of their agreement.

Which probably means he’s working towards citizenship. His wife is an American and he refers to himself as an immigrant so I think he plans to stay on.

“The Erotic Adventures of SpongeBob”...

Feeling this so hard right now, even though Dickinson is still my girl.

Why, hello, my doppelganger....

Never quite feeling like I belong, I’m not easy to be friends with. I’ve long since perfected the Irish goodbye and it’s so second nature to me that I fade almost as soon as I arrive. Which is why I am so very lucky to have friends who understand my doubts and fears. Janet, who I’ve known for over 30 years, has been

Still, needs more butter.

Truer words, my friend.


Really makes me miss Mark. He would have taken this to its logical conclusion of getting and eating his own casting.

I, uh....

It was amazingly fitting. The hazmat, the phallic ebola virus, the WTF.

Need to see it happen. All of it.

Jesus. <fanning myself>