Pee On Shae Joy

I hated his whiny tiny ass even when he was SNL ‘famous’. Who in the world cares what this Z lister thinks?

You forgot to add “buh-bye” at the end.


Yeah, Spade is definitely not-so-relevant. TBH, I wasn’t sure he was still working. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He’s using media to promote policies. It’s smart. It’s bringing the policy discourse to people who might not be engaged.

Seriously. Came here to say this. When was the last time David Spade had anything relevant to say?

I’m a vegetarian, but I still say, “Yes, do it!” And no, you are absolutely not the problem. My dad and stepmom always treated me like I was some horrible, selfish, unlovable person, and they did a great job of convincing other people of that, so for a long time, I bought into it. Then I moved away, got therapy, and

Yes and Yes!

Ugh I’m sorry. Yeah I’m alone too. I was supposed to go home but my flight(s) got delayed/cancelled, so I’m here. I didn’t really want to go home (I don’t like my family much) but I still feel a little deflated. I texted a couple of people and got a few texts back. I always correspond with an ex (that I’m still nuts

I spent three days listening to my sister in law insist that her kid is a celiac after some crackpot doctor told her he had a wheat intolerance. I really had to hold back from screaming ‘that’s not celiac Sprue you fucktard with a Kellogg’s packet diploma!!’

Oooh, that sounds bad. You get sympathy! I hate it when our favorite things break or are ruined. The sweater moths ate my camel’s hair scarf this past summer, and I had to just throw it out. I have had that thing since 1986. Damn. The pain lessens as the months go by, though.

If it makes you feel any better, tomorrow won’t be Christmas anymore, but it will be the weekend. I hope you have a really great weekend.

That really sucks. Her allergy is very mild. It’s mostly just a “make sure this doesn’t have peanuts in it” type thing.

That sucks. My mother does that too, making lobster, shrimp, and crab when my sister is so allergic that touching a plate that seafood is on causes a terrible reaction. Only jerky people do that stuff. I’m sorry they were mean 🎄:-(

The fuck. No, it’s not you. Not when someone is apparently trying to kill you and then still made food you’re allergic to even after they’ve witnessed you have to go to the ER so you could live, not long ago.

Home alone too. But I like being alone sometimes. I work with customers for a living and just need to have a day when I’m not smiling and engaging in forced small talk. Try to enjoy the quiet. If weather permits take a walk(I really enjoyed mine this afternoon). And if I had any money at all I’d replace your bracelet

I am so sorry. That is terrible. My roommate has an allergy (peanut) and is super picky and I try really hard to look out for her because I’m the more outgoing one. She won’t ask or bring it up. I don’t understand forgetting that.

My family totally thinks I made my allergies up, despite having them confirmed by an Allergist. I think they just think I’m high maintenance. I’m very lucky I have a mild allergy (some hives and bad stomach problems following the almond paste laced quesadilla.) It’s so frustrating!

I’m so so sorry. My husband left me last year. The holidays make is hard because it reminds me of what I don’t have. Please know it gets better, I’m a year out and I’ve rebuilt my life is something I can be proud of. Therapy and time. Take care of yourself. Hugs.

Nope. Not you.