
.......considering how horribly he’s screwed her the entire fucking country.............

The saddest thing about Weiner, other than the pain he inflicted on his family, is that he actually had promise as a fire-breathing liberal pol. See, for example, his raging house floor speech about preserving health benefits for 9/11 responders. If he could have kept his id channeled towards politics, we could

I watched Spin last night, and Rich is leaving out a key part of the Cosby commentary - that being it was a callback to a joke done earlier in the show concerning a superhero who resorts to rape to maximize his “powers,” setting up a moral conundrum of “he rapes, but he saves lives.”

This wasn’t Andrew Dice Clay

The heart wants what the heart wants!

While Rita Ora believed in the power of self-improvement (“Over time, you can create a superstar. I believe it,” she said, her fingers crossed tightly behind her back and a quiet prayer on her lips.

“‘I’m exhausted and I don’t know why!’ I want to get to the bottom of why that is.” Mystery solved - turns out working 55 hours a week while having children and doing 20 hours of housework and errands and not getting any sleep and rest makes you tired. Yet rich people will continue trying to solve this mystery. In the

That’s the Russian mob’s (Russian government… tomato, tomatoe) bank of choice. Its also the bank Wilbur Ross was the vice-chairman of.

Finally, a way to make “President Donald Trump” sound palatable.

“Disgraced Former President Donald Trump.”

first victoria’s secret, then h & m?

As I said to someone else, I suspect it was a pre-show ritual gone awry. Or your L&O scenario could very well be correct.

I love how all the Trump supporters in the comments who are ‘appalled’ at Gizmodo expressing something vaguely akin to a political bias (gasp!) can’t recognize that Donald Trump is, at this point, far beyond the traditional left / right divide in Washington discourse.

Breitbart didn’t need sources. He just made shit up. Then God killed him, proving that using sources is the better way to go.

Because Obama was not a Russian mole.

Are we doing scary stories? For me, they are waaay better than reading sappy love stories during the Hallmark Holiday.

100% this

I blame garbage Thurston.

It skips a generation...

I think they’re holes. You can thank Kanye West.

I was also totally distracted by that. Mariah has a lot of money, maybe she should buy him a shirt.