Pedantic Pontificator

His corporate donors who depend on that private prison labor at the literal equivalent of slave wages must have leaned on him and written his talking points.

Seems like Florida residents could save themselves a lot of trouble. They currently vote for Republicans for political office. Then they have to make up ballot initiatives to get the things they want. But then the Republicans they elected try to overturn their ballot intiatives.

Just a quick point out that Napa county is a wealthy, white area. Its wine country. This guy likely is well educated and wealthy. Napa is a red county surrounded by blue counties in northern California.

Today I learned: it is perfectly legal to own a cannon of any size as long as the cannonballs are explosive.

We have got to land on these motherfuckers with both feet.

Antifa terrorists made IED’s and covered his apartment in MAGA material in complex false flag operation.

But in the 80's, based on that documentary “Terminator,” you had to be careful assembling them, but can then slam them angrily into a bag without risk.

Rogers has been charged with unlawful possession of an unregistered destructive device"

I see this article coming back up tomorrow for the clapback because it is tailor made for a display of white tears.

I’ve got no skin in this game, but I can’t see how this move by the trading apps is anything but corruption.  Can anyone smarter than me explain why this might not be them bowing to rich people pressure?

...and damn! You beat me to it!

Mike Pence is living in a cabin in the woods, which sounds like the beginning of a really bad horror movie.

His former puppeteer and the puppeteer’s son in law own slums rental properties; so, he has options.

He thought he would go from the governor’s mansion, to the naval observatory, to the white house to the emperor’s palace to...

All he needs to do is pull himself up by his bootstraps and a house/home/apartment will magically appear..

At least that’s the line most of the GOP keep using.. The political equivalent of clicking your heels three times and saying “There is no place like home...!”

Given that the only other attention she received was cops showing up to her house and telling her mother that she should just cut her off from the outside world, I’m pretty sure that you can go fuck yourself.

Yeah, several more years of silently being abused sounds way healthier than making a big deal about it out loud.

This was the most cop thing to say: let's not address the problem; let's take away the ability to talk about it publicly instead. 

I agree that foster care is not necessarily a better option in this case. I hoped that maybe a family member would volunteer to take her in, or maybe she could live with friends until she’s off to college.

Yet not a peep regarding this from the trash cabal of MAGAt/QAnon assholes, otherwise so concerned about “the children”.