Pedantic Pontificator


The whistle tips go whoo whoo.

Now I want tips like a pipe organ, so they play musical notes.

Apparently it’s to prevent soot buildup on the shiny tips. DI engines create a lot of soot, and lots of vehicles that have them have chrome or silver tips - both real and fake - that are now permanently blackened.

I’d argue that it’s exactly the opposite of that. A notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM), such as this, allows us and our specialist advocacy groups to look this stuff over before it takes effect [1].

Alito just wrote about how women historically had been regarded as inferior, unfit to to associate, excluded from social and political relations; and that their status was so inferior that they have no rights to which men were bound to respect; and that women might justly and lawfully be reduced to chattel for men’s

Put another way, Alito and friends would set out that the Court was not only wrong to establish a right to abortion back in 1973 but that it would be wrong to uphold almost any right not “deeply rooted” in the Constitution. In fact, they seem to argue, it has a duty to reverse them.

As a Black Ob/GYN, I am terrified. Overturning Roe v Wade does not stop abortions, it stops safe and legal abortions. The majority of currently working Ob/GYNs, Emergency physicians, Family medicine physicians, and General surgeons have either NEVER seen, or have not seen for a long time, septic abortions. Septic

It’s just going to take the perfect storm of a case to wind it’s way to the Supreme Court so it can use this logic to remove voting rights, gay marriage, inter-racial marriage, etc. Anything w/o an underpinning in 16th and 17th century law is fair game. 

This woman is a cooning viper in the grass and any victory for her is still a terrible, morally bankrupt person getting some coins out of a fellow terrible, morally bankrupt person. A pox on both their houses, may they both burn down to the ground and soon.

I believe I read that version of the headline; it went something like:

Passed in 2019 — a year before the killing of George Floyd sparked nationwide protests over racism and police violence — California’s law further limits when police can use deadly force, saying it’s allowed “only when necessary in defense of human life.” Previously, an officer could be justified in shooting someone if

What’s “warm weather”? For all they know, he’s recently arrived from a warmer climate. I’m from NJ, I remember visiting San Diego one November, and people were in full winter garb when the temp fell below 60. That’s some nonsense right there. UK cops are looking more and more like American cops, just with less

The NCCL (or Liberty as they are now) would be the closest equivalent. They were prominently involved in campaigns related to British prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.

All of this is 100% correct. DO NOT use fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock your phone.

H’mm, by this logic, the person whose car was hit by a truck in the “People’s Convoy” can sue not only the hit & run driver, but the people who organized it and helped finance the truckers. 

Judges are playing with fire here. Maybe they love the cops, maybe they just want to see McKesson get in trouble, but it doesn’t take more than a couple of seconds to think of a recent “protest” that turned into an insurrection that you can link Trump to. 

Sets one hell of a precedent for Jan 6 prosecution

Elise Malary was an amazing woman and deserves an article of her own for the wealth of information on her and her accomplishments. Her loss is felt in Chicago and beyond. (P.s. this is not to take away from the tragic death of Tee Tee Labelle). 

Yeah, all those words meaning whatever is convenient at the time. The radical left is the same as facism is the same as socialism is the same as communism is the same as autism is the same as wokeism is the same as gay agenda-ism is the same as racism is the same as alcoholism is the same as Fauci-ism is the same as