Pedantic Pontificator

As someone whose job is directly affected by this, I can assure you that the regulators are going hard. They've basically adopted the disparate impact standard. They are looking harder into why banks operate how they do, and looking at demographics to ask harder questions (this population is 15% of your service area,

Bravo for picking up on that. I’ve read multiple articles, and none of them pointed that language out - and it was the first thing that jumped out at me, too.

So do people in the Navy.

Disappointing - but not surprising. For one, it appears that the former CFO wouldn’t flip:

“I’ve commented about the change of standards a bunch here, both because it is important progress and because jurisdictional differentiation is the sort of detail that seems to get washed out too often in the larger discussion of the issue.”

Heh. Never come to O-Hell-No, then.

Cool - but is the coffee any good?

1. This so much bullshit. Please produce for me the precocious preteen who can tell me which case eliminated the implied cause of action for discriminate impact, what statute it was in, and which justice wrote the opinion, and I *might* believe something approximating CRT is taught in primary school.

HERE is the damn answer.

JFC. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does 


I’m guessing that’s a big part of why he’s leaving - he needs more time to focus on his books.

I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sad at the way conservatives are just eating their own, like a snake eating its own tail. They’re just scamming their own people. They’re going to flock to this unaccredited “school,” pay private tuition (no fed loans!), and get nothing marketable when they “graduate” - assuming

8 peremptory challenges? EIGHT?!? Up here, we only get THREE.

In some states, it is a crime to wean a puppy from its mother before six to eight weeks.

Oh. Referring to me?

White sovereign Whiteganistan.

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!

Ah yes, good point.