Pedantic Pontificator

Frankly, I'm in agreement with the other interpretation too. Let those anti-vax bucktooth backwater inbred rednecks die - and COVID-19 is going to do all the work for us. All we have to do is sit back and wait...

Congratulations, Mr Harriot!!!

Props to Ms. Osaka for being brave enough to agree to do this after what Mattel did to Alex Morgan:

So the thing is, I used to read ZeroHedge, which is a blog written by some sort of financial professional. This was over a decade ago during the financial crisis, when I was angry and looking for explanations as to WTF was going on. Once things started to resolve, I lost interest.

Huh. Maybe I will order one of those Thomson Reuters legal form books. This new boilerplate PR response is totally different from what I learned in school over a decade ago.

Sigh. *cracks neck*

Marx-i-sum has scued my perception of reality.

Because... we’ll actually listen to her? As opposed to the food service worker, who will just get fired for complaining and immediately replaced.

Awww, HELL.

After reading Mr. Harriot’s interview, I’ve decided that Tim Scott is a politician. A Republican politician who is keenly aware how 24-hour news (and “news”) networks and social media will take a sound bite and run like hell with it. And that’s why he refuses to call a spade a spade.

I mean - at the bare minimum, after white feminists threw Shirley Chisholm under the bus, and the whole “everything is economics” white Bernie Bros crusade (just two of many examples) - modern white Democrats certainly have our fair share of fuck ups to fix.

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

I sincerely hope you’re being sarcastic. The amount of forced birthers appropriating the language of the pro choice movement is astounding in its hypocrisy alone.

Bankrupt the whole town. Get a huge settlement that will end the city’s insurance policy.

Fuck off, Joe Gutierrez. The only person who should be "riding the lightning" is you. As in the electric chair, you fascist skinhead.

Yup. According to the NYT article I read, it’s not enough for the university to support the dumb song. Alumni were also pissed that all but one of the students walked off the field while the song was playing. They want school administrators to frog-march those kids back on the field and make those kids pretend that


I mean, why? There's already flags and swastikas and proud boys and...

Liberty Township? Oh yeah, no problem. Have a look: