Pedantic Pontificator

See Federal Rules of Evidence 804(4).

One more thing! (Sorry)

I mean, I could, but it would be a cure for insomnia...

Chance, Chance, Chance. Did you really think I wasn’t going to dig through California’s disbarred lawyer list and NOT find you?

Well, I for one am inspired by all of the commenters here who have never made a dumb mistake in their lives. You are all true geniuses, and better people than me, because dog knows I have made some DUMB mistakes in my life. Dumb dee dumb dummy dumb dumbass mistakes. Truly, I am in awe.

Yeah. You did.

I love it! Thank you for the recommendation.

There’s plenty we can do about it.

Kim Kardashian - became famous due to “leaked” sex tape.

I got stuck here:

Redaction is a thing that exists. Problem solved.

Also, spouse (dispatcher for local PD) says that similar programs also resulted in fewer calls to the PD. Meaning, instead of calling the PD over and over when little Jimmy keeps OD-ing on meth, one call gets him put in rehab where he belongs.

That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing 

Toasted Cheerios. Divine.

Thank you for a solid guffaw.

Yup. I can haz cheeseburger was ripped straight from 4chan. Redditors still get posts ripped off by BuzzFeed and newer hopeful startups. One funny tweet can become a meme that gets passed around the world.

Look. I’m with Mr. Crockett here.

It’s also best to wait for the defendant to be found guilty - that way, there’s no way to relitigate his innocence at a civil trial.

There’s always the bizarre, “do people really wear that?” stuff, but in fairness to the designer, some of his looks were ready to wear, and gorgeous IMHO: