Pedantic Pontificator

Even calling them “mental gymnastics” is giving them too much credit. Makes it sounds like work. Effort. These fuckers spend precisely zero calories of brain energy ignoring reality and their own hypocrisy anymore. If there’s one great revelation of the Trump era for Republicans it is that they had previously put WAY

Attendees may not bring guns? WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT? There are Republicans in Congress that are fighting DC and Capitol laws to bring guns places, because guns deserve to be whereever people are, and guns aren’t dangerous. Yet again, the Republican event bans guns, because no guns is safer. But guns aren’t dangerous.

My only concern about the pardons is that I’m afraid he’ll pardon a bunch of insurrectionists. That’s why I haven’t been all “Why isn’t person X in jail?!” I’ve been perfectly happy to slow walk arrests until after Trump can no longer pardon people. I’m positive that he’s going to pardon that crazy realtor.

Dead, it’s written in Kenyan Swahili.

I can’t believe she’s not using Obama’s Koran!

While I’m not saying that Beeler’s story is untrue, or that he should have gotten harsher treatment...”

Don’t be so cynical. I always arm myself and wear body armor before I leave the house to go out and talk shit to people young enough to be my own kids

Grown ass people in body armor and with firearms. This was deliberate and intentional.

“We believe in the sanctity of life, and they don’t. They will kill us and be happy.”

We were scared the teens we were taunting and harassing might be armed, that’s why we surrounded them and continued!”

That is what to expect of Trumpers. Old white people who like to argue with and hurt children.

Remember white folks don’t see Black teens as teens, but as grown-ass predators...

Right. I hear a lot of people talking about peace and reconciliation. These assholes have been building to a crescendo for the past four years, they attacked the Capitol, and we're supposed to be nice and join hands? Nah.

When are white people going to address their culture of political violence?

I would like to believe most of us are completely dumbfounded by all of this. But im growing more and more skeptical as i see people close to me buy whole ass into hatred/idiocy/trump love and i just genuinely can not comprehend the ‘why’ of it all.

Chickenshit cowards and bullies, much like their Dear Leader. There can be no forgiveness with anyone of this ilk. And yet, somehow, we have white middle class supporters putting out podcasts wondering why, oh why that they get called names and shunned in society by people who don’t stand for that shit.

This is why that idiotic expression ‘respect your elders’ is absolute BS.

When are white people going to address their culture of political violence?

Don’t want to waste my excitement until some time has passed and more results are in, but... I’m pretty excited about Sephora’s inclusionary strategy and implementation. If they get this down pat, the next move would be for other companies to adopt a similar attitude. It’d be nice to have a pleasant in-store