Pedantic Pontificator

Apparently, he’s not even claiming it’s a religious diet. His mother was on TV saying that he actually gets sick if he doesn’t get organic food. You would THINK that the same jail system that lets diabetics go without insulin and let people with septic infections go untreated for days because they’re “faking” would

Yes, they did. Good memory.  One of the first things on the Trump Sessions to-do list in 2017 was to get white nationalist domestic terrorists taken off the counter-terrorism watch list. 

And won’t that be nice! Maybe we’ll get an actual open internet instead of one where large providers can throttle speeds when they want to. And more attention paid to getting broadband into less-affluent urban areas instead of huge contracts being given out to get high speed broadband into two houses at the end of a

WTF religion requires organic food? He can eat the green baloney with everyone the fuck else.

The media really needs to be paying more attention to the degree to which so many of these people honestly believe they are at no risk of criminal penalties for this riot, to the point of bragging about it to the authorities.

His religion is white surpremacy and his jailers are in the same religion.


Naveed Jamali has been putting a lot of calls in to his contacts at state police to see where there may be terrorist sympathizers or insurrectionists.

Donald Trump did not cause the Coup Klutz Klan rally on Jan. 6.


Coup Klutz Klan

The GOP nuked the filibuster when they rammed through a lot of Trump’s judge picks.

Coup Klutz Klan

Man, this is the thing I keep saying. Democrats will hold the presidency and both houses of Congress. They need to make moves. Forget backlash, forget fervor, forget uproar. We just spent 4+ years years with a Senate that refused to act on anything that wasn’t beneficial to Republicans and their corporate interests.

OT - from my MSN home Page:

Corporate media doesn’t want to alienate their white viewers who tend to be turned off by the truth.