Pedantic Pontificator

The idea is to form a coalition of people with shared values that gain power through unity and holding candidates accountable.”

Mm. Go check out the Shatta Wale tweet and the comments below it. There’s already a fight brewing between Ghanaians and Nigerians (who gets credit for the dance moves).

Thank you - especially the last part.

I ♥️ your replies!


If it looks like a duck...

Sounds about white.

GUYS! GUYS! Major threadjack: Michael Harriot got signed with the APA!

Look, I’m not a fan of Ye and never have been, but damn, that tweet storm has me worried. I don’t know if this is Britney Spears, or more like when Pete Davidson posted on social media that he was contemplating suicide, but I’m worried. I'm just... worried. 

I think that’s why white people (like me) who are slowly starting to pick up on racism (microaggressions, etc.) are so annoying *to everyone* (black and white people). We went most of our lives completely oblivious, and now that we’re just starting to see the tip of the iceberg, we’re like newly born Christians

Let me clarify - antisemitism is BAD. Okay? It’s bad. Full stop. And yes, I realize antisemitism predates Nazi Germany - it’s just that Nazi Germany is the most horrifying example of antisemitism that just about everyone knows or should know.

So I always give a hard side eye to any white person complaining about racism against white people. 99 times out of 100, it’s some white dude who is looking for justification to be racist himself.

You glorious bastard. I scared my cats cackling at this.

I felt like every show was a "Let's find another way to kill the Doctor" show. 

That panel already exists

I got a gallon of Lysol disinfectant cleaner concentrate for my birthday - aaaaaaaaaaand thanks to 2020, it was the best gift I'd received all year. 🙄

I have so many questions. Who does he think “owns” Puerto Rico? Who did he think was going to “buy” Puerto Rico? What exactly did he think he was going to “sell”? The land? The people? The buildings, fixtures, and equipment? What was he going to do with the money from the "sale"? 

Any person who suffers from manic depression will tell you that the mania feels amazing. You’re on top of the world, a million ideas flowing through your brain.

Felony theft, child obduction, petty theft, larceny...

Yes, but we can still enjoy the schadenfreude of it all. 15 hate groups spent $1.5 million last year, but an article I read said the cost of all of the current advertisers pulling out is around $7 billion - with a B.