Pedantic Pontificator

To the trolls - these are real guns being “brandished around”. If law enforcement treated us all the same as they treated Tamir Rice, every one of these motherfuckers would have been shot on sight.

Oh, fuck me. I’ve heard of the McCloskeys. They do big personal injury.

Let me step out ahead of any trolls and point out that Ohio is an OPEN CARRY state. It’s in the Ohio constitution that you have a legal right to carry a gun openly.

Some of those that work forces/

I accidentally starred the troll, and I don’t know how to undo it. I’m sorry.

Ate, dammit, ate. Fucking autocorrect.

Don’t know why this is suddenly getting attention (this is olllllddddd, y’all), but this is NOT “but there are GOOD cops!” defense. This is a story of my spouse so blind by belief in law enforcement that a kick in the ass/slap across the face was required to change spouse’s belief system - and that change is far from

Christ. I have a “friend” who posted some meme asking why people are offended by Confederate statues but not people who wear their pants low. A picture of a black man with his underwear showing was juxtaposed against a picture of some statue.

Are you still in the grays? Why? I feel like you've been here longer than me...


So Trump isan ‘erratic’ and ‘stunningly uninformed’ commander in chief,” and John Bolton is “a disgruntled boring fool who only wanted to go to war.”

Ohhhhh..... Now don’t get ME started. Cuz that hit a nerve. I graduated from law school smack dab in the middle of the financial crisis of 2008. You will not find a more insular, crony institution relying on nepotism than the fucking legal field - ESPECIALLY large law firms. One law firm I interviewed with was so

Sorry. I didn’t mean to ask you something that might compromise your anonymity.

All the stars. All the gotdamn stars.

I’m sorry. I am an old.

Well, he's dead, so... I win?

Oh, yeah. This is one of the clearest cases of racial discrimination that even Justice Scalia couldn’t find a way to excuse it. And she was in HR. HR!!!

Hi. How do I get you started? Because it sounds like you've got a ton of insider info - and I would love to hear it.

Meth ages you hard, man.

If I posted a picture of myself mocking your culture, perhaps unintentionally, you now have no right to be offended. You should get over yourself.