Pedantic Pontificator

If you're referring to me, I'm sorry.

If you're referring to me, I'm sorry.

Hi. If you’re referring to me, I’m sorry.

I did not. Thank you.

Totally fair. The only reason I’m asking is because he’s already given one commencement speech and plans to give two more. I was trying (inartfully) to express concern that his speech was “tailored” for the audience demographic - but fighting white supremacy is everyone’s problem, not just those who are oppressed by

Sigh. OK, Mr. President. Now please give the same speech to white audiences.

Ha! It was the height of hubris for me to even think that Mr. Harriot would actually appear at our meetings, anyway.

Hello, white guy Mike S! Welcome to the “Holy Shit, We Suck!” club. Please pick up your complimentary T-shirt on your way out.

Excellent writing, as always. Thank you.

Plus, if you have jerks like mine, they'll dig all the way to the bottom of 80 pounds of litter to scratch up the bottom. The plastic liner will become plastic confetti - and my dumb cats would eat the plastic.

OK, but Y'ALL. Do NOT use bleach on this thing. Bleach will disintegrate the metal!

Ba ha ha. The cat middle finger. My sympathies.

So, off topic - is a mollywop the opposite of mollycoddling?

This is the kind of political fan fiction I would read - or the GoFundMe I would dump my savings into. It would be EPIC.



I hesitate to write this, but....

He is dead to me. DEAD. Die-hard Serena stan dead.

Keep it. Just keep it.

Now playing

And for whatever reason, Kinja will only allow me to post that video and none of the others.