Pedantic Pontificator

Looking for outrage from the “pro-life” crowd on the unavailability of this potentially life-saving medicine for new mothers...

So this article hits directly on a pet peeve of mine - we don’t elect defense attorneys.

But don’t take their confederate monuments, because - uh - history.

Ding ding ding ding ding ding! His biggest complaint (echoed by his staff now at Crooked Media) is that young people don’t fucking vote. They’ll march, fight on Twitter, but come voting time, they’re nowhere to be seen. It was a huge source of frustration for him.

Seriously. Of all the fucking times to hide behind procedure, this ain't fucking it. I expected better. How disappointing.

I straight-up laughed out loud at this photo. That kid is adorable. Looks like the public love changed Mom's mind.

And she admitted that her tweet was poorly worded. And she apologized to Representative Omar and met with her. And she publicly apologized on Twitter. And then she went on to defend Representative Omar from attacks by others.

Felony disorderly conduct? Good Lord. What’s next? Aggravated loitering? Menacing jaywalking?


MEN: this affects you too!

Well, there’s her problem for Republicans, then. She actually reads the law and applies it. She’s probably read the judicial code of ethics, too! The horror!

Hi. I want to tell you about Stark County, Ohio.

Oh Emm Gee. $400k would pay off my mortgage, student loans, and leave me with some cash to tuck away for retirement.

Management lies to clients. We deal with extremely sensitive information. Clients are very concerned about security. Management lies to clients about security protocols. We receive regular email blasts “reminding” us of clients’ security protocols. But we are required by management to violate those protocols to get

Fuck Reddit. I’m never going to stop bitching about that trash website. I upvoted pictures of cats and downvoted a racist post and a homophobic post. For that, my account was permanently banned.

Hi. You already did. See: the current president.

How old are you? 20?

These neo Nazis are a bunch of the thinnest skinned whiny ass bitches I have ever seen. They’ll advocate for genocide, but at the slightest criticism, they go screaming to any authority they can find for protection.

It’s fucking terrifying. Bro basically announces he's a predator looking for prey.