Pedantic Pontificator

Funny how that works, isn’t it?

I don’t fucking know, but I’m bitterly disappointed in the results. One of two things appears clear:

“I’mma tell them I saw you eating tofu potato salad.”

Solon, Ohio. Full of crazy, wealthy white Republican people.

Okay, Cosby is past redemption, but what about the others in there?

Seriously. People should serve their time without fear of being murdered in prison. Prison is where you pay your penance for your crimes against society. You should be (if at all possible) rehabilitated and returned to society a better person. How does this violent, dangerous prison accomplish that?

Aww. I’d send you a bottle of RSVP Henny if I could find some.

Thanks for writing this. When news about Ford started trickling out, I IMMEDIATELY thought of Anita Hill. I'm glad that Hill wrote an op-ed. She's exactly who we need to hear from.

Lord grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man.

Have fun arguing that to a judge. Government action based on political speech? And Nike has money, so you know they're going to sue. 

Can I just take a minute to say how gorgeous Serena is? Nikki Manaj has all that makeup on, and Serena still outshines her.

All these dry skinned people, and I'm like a damn oil slick over here....

Banging my head on the table RN.

Because they couldn’t POSSIBLY vote for Hillary Clinton. She’s so corrupt, doncha know. I mean, those emails...

That’s awful and I love it.

WOOO! There's gonna be fights!

Wait. White allies don’t get to defend our title? What about white Dems vs. Bernie Bros?

Old white lady attorney with bank experience - I volunteer.

I’m glad he did it. I always kinda want him to nudge the “good” letter writers a bit. Just to be consistent.

The qualified immunity is for employees acting within the scope of their employment. To sue an officer individually, the plaintiff has to prove that the officer was not acting in the scope of his/her employment. Cities generally don’t pay their officers to sexually assault citizens (or at least, their insurance