Pedantic Pontificator

Sooo - where’s the other 3,306? Or is this Trump math, where those people don’t count?

Taxes. My friend from high school is now making six figures, and she told me that “some things are bigger than” reproductive rights. She went on to complain about how much she pays in taxes. Mind you, her effective tax rate is LOWER than mine, but whatever.

It’s Sarah fucking Palin all over again. Don’t make me defend this horrible human being! Don’t do it! Goddammit, for once, Mike Huckabee is right! Unfortunately, the sexism is coming from his own party, but Dems are gleefully joining in!

Absolutely! But I heard the perfect metaphor the other day. Obamacare is a house with a leaking roof and bad plumbing (because the Republicans stole the copper pipe and sold it for scrap and punched holes in the roof). We, the citizens of this country, want Congress to fix the roof and the plumbing. The Republicans

Bleak and beautiful. I tip my hat to you.

K. I like the Intercept, and I like Glenn Greenwald. So I checked your link.

I listened to Portishead before they were cool!

Fuck you. Fuck you for taking over there comment section and ruining Jezebel for me.

And she had a vagina!

Here it is! I was waiting for the Bernie Bros to appear, and here they are!


Qualifier: UNLESS you are a lawyer. Then, it is all that matters. Ever. I know plenty of lawyers told, “You do really great work. Unfortunately, you have three things missing from your resume. Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton.”

Yup. I’ve lived in Cleveland, Akron, and C’bus. Can confirm that this is every cab company’s MO in all three cities.


Out here, we don’t really have them (cabs). Or the service is terrible, even downtown. You can call a cab​, and if you’re lucky, they might show up in an hour or so. Or you can use Lyft or Uber and actually get where you need to go.

Dude. No. One kid woke up with Munoz on top of him open-mouth kissing him with Munoz’s hand down his underwear feeling him up. That’s fucking rape (penetration - tongue - without consent). If that was common at federal military academies, it helps explain rampant rape in the military.

Oh, look. Here come those “women” with their “experiences” of “rape” here to ruin our good time and tell us that we can’t force women into having sex against their will, which totally isn’t rape.

Even better. Then we both get what we want.