Pedantic Pontificator

Revoke his citizenship and deport his ass to North Korea STAT.

I hope she makes bank. I hope she out-earns Oprah.

I live near Cleveland. See that tiny blue dot in Northeast Ohio? That’s Cleveland. It’s also heavily concentrated with Democrats. Cuyahoga county voted damn near 90% for Clinton. It’s the hellhole burbs that are Republican, and they remain hellholes because the populace keeps voting out anything that would improve

Ding ding ding ding!!! All of these places wringing their hands over Amazon like it’s Amazon’s fault that every fucking store in the mall caters to size 10 or smaller, and the average woman is a size 14/16. Sorry, retail world - there just aren’t enough 16-year-olds to keep all of you afloat. And the rest of us, who

Medicare is 100% federal funds, and it’s only for people age 65 and older (i.e., not someone likely to need birth control).

Ain’t this the GD truth. I was trying to negotiate up a new job salary and got shot down. Took the job anyway because I figured I needed to “pay my dues.” Later, when I was leaving and helping the boss with the transition, he hired some dude who had ZERO experience (I had two years’ experience before I started working

Ah, but there’s the rub, isn’t it? In order to obtain the protection of VAWA, someone has to be arrested, charged, and convicted of DV.

All the stars for you. I lived through the same presidencies you did. I remember “socialism” being a political death knell for any Democrat. I distinctly remember “THEY want to RAISE YOUR TAXES!” as being a deathknell for Democrats.

Hi. No, he isn’t. Read any of the suggested stories under this one. DV victim arrested by ICE while trying to get a protection order. ICE stalking the Court hallways looking for potential people to deport.

Yup. Just look at the shock, SHOCK, of white people when Congress was ready to repeal the ACA. “Waaah! I thought you were only going to take away brown people’s healthcare, not mine!”

Tell me again how gender equality and civil rights are mainstream. Tell me again about how Planned Parenthood and NARAL are the establishment.

Christ. When the de facto leader of the EU treats your country’s leader the same as she treats Putin...

I love how you can’t tell when it loops.

I can watch this on infinite loop...

I hope so. I’m broke, but I bought subscriptions to both (the cheapest they offered, but still). I think the press needs our support now more than ever.

Can I move? Is there any room in merry old England for one more dumb American?

ME TOO. I’m so pissssed he got re-elected. Christ, this state is the fucking poster child for voting against its own interests. And Kasich is already leading the way by slashing school funding (in the poor burbs) to pay for his newest tax cut.

Not gonna lie. I snickered when I read that.

Whoa, whoa whoa whoa. 9/11 wasn’t that bad for us *white people.* I remember Sikhs running for cover because hostile Americans thought they were A-rabs. The Patriot act was a serious bit of government totalitarianism too.

Not. Even. CLOSE.