Pedantic Pontificator

Sigh. This is me, too. I am completely terrified of Trump having access to the nuclear codes. I’ll take 4 years of Indianastan over a nuclear holocaust in February 2017.

Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh. I remember that speech. I do believe it lost to, “Mexicans are rapists” and “Grab her by the pussy.”

Oh, Christ, Ken Blackwell?!? There was a name I was hoping never to hear again.

No kidding. I just read in the New York Times that he’s bulking at moving into the Whitehouse (he wants to stay in his tower), and he wants more rallies like during his campaign for that instant ego boost. He has absolutely no desire to actually do any work.

Agreed. I wasn’t surprised that Trump got the racist vote - both parties have been playing with “dog whistles” for the past couple decades. I was amazed at how open and blatant it was.

You’re right - the bag does cut down the cooking time.

Mom and I have always used the bag until we discovered brining. 24 hours before we cook the turkey, we throw it in a huge cooler with brine. It makes such a moist turkey that we’ve nixed the bags.

Nut crust. I use pecans. Throw about a cup’s worth into a food processor and pulse until the nuts are small and crumbly. Mix with about 4 tablespoons of melted butter and a tablespoon or two of brown sugar and press into a pie plate. Blind bake for 10 minutes or less at 325, cool, and then dump in your pie filling and

I’m amused at your insistence that the people who voted for Hillary Clinton are to blame for her losing. Pretty sure it was the people who didn’t vote for her.

To every asshole arguing that Bernie would have won - NO HE WOULD NOT. Hillary was right - Bernie kept saying that the US should be more like Scandinavia. All the Republicans would have had to do is advertise that Scandinavia has a 50% income tax rate AND a 25% consumption tax, and the voting results for Trump would

No, you fucking dumbass. The racists and the sexists are the reason Trump was elected. Trump energized the white supremacist and Neo-Nazi movements. Trump followers unironically adopted the hashtag #Repealthe19th (as in the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote).

Republican House. Republican Senate. Trump presidency.

I’m going to bed, and when I wake up, a psychopathic sexual assaulter is going to win the nomination for President. I want to drink a glass of cyanide rn.

OMG that poor kid.

Get a lawyer. Lawyers accept contingent fees on SSD cases and they’re capped on how much they can take. Because of how young you are and your medical issue, your case is tougher. You have to get the right diagnosis from the right doctor and get the right kind of treatment. What is that? Only your local SSD lawyer

Oh, lard, that reminds me. I was so homophobic in high school. We thought our gym teacher was a lesbian, and we mocked her mercilessly. My friend came out to me, and I cracked awful gay jokes to his face.