Pedantic Pontificator

Nah, man, just joshing you. (Did I just date myself? I refuse to use the word “bro.”)

Humble brag...

Thank you! Not only do the parties not pay the judgments, they’re PAID to be there! If she was genuinely concerned that there was a serious legal issue that should be handled in court, she would dismiss the case without prejudice - and she has:

Thanks for sharing. I’ve read interviews with her in legal publications. She is acting as a character on TV. Think of it as the original “reality TV.” And trust me, she already knows both sides of the story before anyone appears on camera.

Yes, they can!

Fuck fashion. Signed, a fat person.

Probably not. Statutes of limitations.

Vodka. Hills likes vodka.

Unfortunately, it’s not just an income tax issue for you (the tax you can affect using a W4). It’s likely that you’re getting hit with employment tax - Social Security tax and Medicare tax. And almost NOBODY gets a break on those taxes. There is NO credit I know of for Medicare/SS tax.

No. Only the version where you could get an advance on your credit throughout the year.

Did the Amazon link not work for anyone else? Why does Amazon hate me? :(

Did the Amazon link not work for anyone else? Why does Amazon hate me? :(

A good friend and repeated exposure. A good friend will stay with you and help you get comfortable floating in the pool.

Am I the only one who is wondering why the shade docket is still in 2015?

Ha! Theses comments are a perfect example of U.S. morality. “Don’t tell me what to do! Tell THAT guy what to do!” “Don’t tread on me! Tread on him!”

Because sperm swim. Granted, you may have removed some, but those little bastards swim quickly. They have to, because the vagina (correct usage, ha!) is a hostile place for sperm.

Bemused is *not* amused, dammit!!

Doc reviewer here. What do I do? I review all of the emails and electronic documents a company is required to collect to comply with electronic discovery once said company has been sued.