Pedantic Pontificator

Oh, my.

JFC, is it Jezebel RNC commenter week, and no one told me? WTF is with all of the, “You’re sooooo overreacting, the wedding proposal was sooooo awesome!” BS? What part of this woman trained her entire fucking life and gave up anything resembling a normal childhood, she isn’t getting paid, and this medal is her

I was thinking more like, “Hrrrrrnnnnggggghhhhh! One!"

Sigh. Air fryer = convection oven.

Sigh. Air fryer = convection oven.

Landis or the skunk?

Brad Marshall needs to resign, too.

What, no urinal stickers or nutcrackers this year? Or have you just not gotten to the Fin, Feather, Fur table yet?

Thank you. I may not have agreed with Scalia, but he was a brilliant jurist.

Not pr0n, I swears!

Riiiiiiight. “Run, Elizabeth, run!”

“Hi, TSA? My daughter is partially deaf and blind in one eye, and she’s recovering from a brain stem tumor. If you could avoid beating her up and cracking her skull on the ground, that would be great. Thanks!"

“This is what it’s like discussing with progressives and SJWs...congenital ten year old liars who just pull shit out their ass all day long.”

Well, thank you both. I can’t help noticing that everyone the Sanders campaign targets is female: Hillary Clinton. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Roberta Lange.

Yes! This is just more of Hillary Clinton making up stories about Bernie Bros! Who totally don’t exist! Or something.

This was an emotionally heart-wrenching article about a highly politicized, personal, painful experience, but no, really, let’s hear more about you.

Yes. So fuck off.

Fuck off, tone police. Not here. Not now.

Fuck off. Signed, a commenter.

You can fuck off too.

A few nasty tweets and prank calls?