
“At the same time, she remains perplexed why the trucks were seized in such an aggressive fashion and with such shaky evidence to begin with.”

I am remiss to inform Jewel that she needs a dictionary.

It’s the brand my Grandmother smoked & she was very Lange. But, yeah, Parliament is Funktastic!

Parliament. Nice.

I can’t tell if they’re all boring af or if it’s just the cranky? Someone told me today that the cranky was coming from Mercury being in retrograde. I stabbed her with a thermometer.

Just my gut talking here, but isn’t Jewel’s use of remiss incorrect? I always thought it meant sort of negligent and it doesn’t seem to fit that sentence in that case. Of course, I left school about a million years ago, so I’m probably wrong.

I really hate everyone’s dumb tweets. Today’s a cranky day.

Bless her heart, in the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.


I pretended to be straight for 20 years. Does that count?

Who did you think I Kissed A Girl was about?

I’d pay to see that!

Is it just me or doesn’t ‘top hat wearing dude’ ONLY mean Slash?

It actually falls under “promoting education and learning.” As in “learn your place, you lazy shits.”

This feels like some kind of self destructive act of sabotage. Like some faction within the bbc wants the bbc to be disbanded or something.

I get you. If it helps, most people I know who are passionate about this stuff never assume anything about the owner based on a dog’s appearance or breed—plenty of designer dogs and even miniatures end up as rescues, just like mutts.

It’s bad enough to spend thousands of dollars on designer dogs when there are countless sweet, wonderful, unbelievably adorable dogs being down in shelters every day, but supporting the miniature trend, which is straight-up animal abuse, is so much worse.

This is a Bristol Blenheim:

Porsche suppository...