Peapod the Pocket Squirrel

Hey Vets, go die in an unwinnable war that will never end. I support you by standing for the anthem. And that’s all I’ll do. 

And don’t nobody try it with me on this. I said what I said and we all know it’s true

Brad Pitt’s so good at the game that he cheats on Aniston but Angelina’s the bad guy, and the FBI is called about an incident with the oldest son and Angelina’s the bad guy, and now she’s divorcing him because of whatever went so wrong between them so she’s the bad guy, and he’s admitted to having substance abuse

Plus how many of the complainers are flying the flag of a group of traitors to the actual flag, all while complaining about disrespect to the flag?  I’m guessing we’re approaching a 75% overlap.

Do we believe Anna Wintour writes them? The fact is (and I note Beyoncé’s team and my deeply respected colleague Clover Hope in the article), it doesn’t matter. What matters here is that Beyoncé’s the draw, and yet is being played as if she and her team had no power here, when her 2015 spread already demonstrated that

I read old dude’s tweet that Anna and not Bey hired him even though the ACTUAL VOGUE ARTICLE outright stated that Beyonce selected him. And, all I could think after seeing his tweet was, “I knew Bey should have selected a sister for this!”

Parmesan. Preferably fresh off the block, but even the stuff from the green canister is good in tuna salad.

I think the most likely scenario is, Beyonce had a clear criteria for who she wanted the photographer to be (probably someone Black and relatively unknown), which was then relayed to Vogue, who then came back with a name (or two), and Beyonce agreed on this guy. I also have a hard time believing anyone at Vogue had


Funny how kneeling during the anthem disrespects the vets, but denying them health benefits is A-OK.

The nutrition information on fake crab never seems to provide any information on whether real crab was used for flavoring. “Probably not” won’t do when someone in the family gets violently sick from ingesting real crab. I hope some day to find some fake crab that’s kosher certified so I’ll know my husband will be in

unless they’re stupid aliens that love to waste energy

I found his comments about why he abstained from voting in the 2016 presidential election disappointing. 

I really love when businesses make it super easy for me to never give them my money.

I think he was handling his own business.

We get less tolerant of bullshit the hotter it gets down here.

Climate Change is Mother Nature’s way of saying “Whoa, slow down.  Pace yourself.

Weezer’s take on Africa is one of the biggest ‘why?’s ever. I mean it’s a respectful and faithful-to-the-original cover but it doesn’t bring anythign new or interesting to the song. Unless Weezer is looking to shift their career trajectory to being a Toto-tribute band there’s really no good answer to why they covered

Does Texas have laws?

I guess I’d be a bit more insulted if it weren’t for the fact that this country sold out its stated ideals a LONG time ago.  I’m amazed we don’t have a Starbucks on Lincoln’s forehead.