Operation They have a lingering smell, but I still can’t tell if it’s milk
Operation They have a lingering smell, but I still can’t tell if it’s milk
What’s odd is that 99.99999999999999999% of conservatives inherited the wealth (benefits, privilege) they use to hop up on that pedestal.
Serve without resting. It’s not a roast, it needs to be served HOT. Coagulating steak is not good
“We’re not against law enforcement, no rules at all, but if they’re enforced equally, I’m up for that,” Ennis said. “We made a total point that it’s not enforced equally.”
But nobody around you and your community really cares, do they?
Uhh... If he doesn’t go pro, he still ends up talking like an idiot. Of course some local recognizes him from TV and gives him a job anyway... However I’m not sure how lowering standards for everyone, at a place considered to be representative of “higher” education is acceptable, but that’s why America is the way it…
That’s why I only live in houses with hardwood floors.
That’s why I only live in houses with hardwood floors.
Gritty looks like my boss from the time I worked in Philly.
Wasn’t Peterman also selected over another QB who for some reason or another just couldn’t seem to be liked by the large (understatement) portion of the Bills’ fanbase, like Kaepernick?
I have a story about Schlitz that ended up with me fighting myself somehow.
i really need to get my shit together and try an old milwaukee
This is an interesting take, if anything for the representation.
Assimilation is a hell of a drug.
You’re tired of it, but you added to it?
Put him on a team with Fultz, D Rose, and someone else who sucks- Dwight Howard probably. And you have got an instant tank situation that can’t be beat. Hello Lottery!
Jesus fucking christ man, maybe they can lift some fucking logs then? You’re making more excuses for them than some of them are.
1. They are ugly
Didn’t know about the first part- going to have to do some research, wow.
It’s not like you can’t walk on a treadmill, or ride a stationary bike, or stretch while you’re at work, or do some kind of physical activity before work, or after work, while you’re watching TV.
The movie really wasn’t that good. Graphically, sure. The plot? Not so much.