
Wait I'm studying for the Illinois bar right now, I can totally do this! A person has a valid action for misappropriation of the right to publicity when (1) the defendant appropriates the person's name, image, or identity (clearly met here); (2) for the defendant's advantage, commercial or otherwise (yup); (3) without

Elle Fanning does too (she's having such a good time in that last picture) — it looks like this was probably the funnest red carpet ever. Probably because of all the horns.

I love your last line — I feel like people often correlate unhappiness and harder work (a symptom of the "work is miserable" mindset), but if you're given the ability to do work in a way that works for you and that you have control over, you can be working harder than ever and be happier than ever.

Is the paper published anywhere or accessible on the Internet? It sounds like something I'd like to read!

A-fucking-men. My current job is the exact opposite of this and I cannot wait to find a place where what matters is the work I do and not the hours I sit at my desk. Also, sitting at a desk all day sucks and most definitely makes me less productive.

A-fucking-men. My current job is the exact opposite of this and I cannot wait to find a place where what matters is the work I do and not the hours I sit at my desk. Also, sitting at a desk all day sucks and most definitely makes me less productive.

Mostly makeup at the locker or on the way to school and feeling guilty about it (so, really healthy). My fam was big on the "caring or thinking about yourself is selfish and bad" thing when I was growing up (we're all mostly better now), so I'd internalized that by high school and honestly felt worse about wanting to

Well, everybody knows that if *they* don't care about something and *you* care about that thing, then you are selfish/vain/self-absorbed. That's how the world works, because it's not about them, it's about...oh. Yeah, it's probably about them.

I had occasional spurts of severe psoriasis on my face during high school, and my parents were super unsympathetic (i.e., no makeup allowed in the house until peanutbutterspoon stops being so worried about what other people think about her looks). They were clearly trying to get me to accept myself as I was and

That Chris Rock quote is one of my favorite things — glad to know I'm in good company!

That Chris Rock quote is one of my favorite things — glad to know I'm in good company!

Amen! This not only makes sense to me, it makes more sense than anything this article said. I don't know if that's any comfort, but at least there are two of us!

Why is it that monogamy necessarily constricts people into playing one gender role? (This is not necessarily about Katniss/Peeta/Gale, just a thought on the article's broader concept.) The line "What this suggests is that monogamy doesn't just limit WHO you can do; it also limits WHAT you can do in terms of gender."

Ha! I once turned away from my boyfriend when he tried to kiss me in the morning because he had cheated on me in a dream. It took me a good minute to get to "wait...I don't think that was him."

When I first started taking Sertraline I had all these dreams where I thought I yelled before waking up (often the "yell" would wake me up). My boyfriend insists I never actually yelled out loud, but I have very distinct, realistic memories of doing so. Weird! Luckily that's been my only wacko side effect, and that

Thank you, Jenna, for all you do. As someone who is relatively ignorant about fashion and occasionally (mostly unjustly) prejudiced about people who like it, your work on Jezebel has broadened my horizons and my appreciation for the world immensely. Best of luck and congrats — Iowa is lucky to have you!

Google News doesn't even have it as a big headline. What are other people(/Americans) paying attention to??

Not anywhere on the NYT homepage or the CNN one. W.T.F.

YES. Incredible.