
Also, I work at a tech company and we have a leaderboard where we keep a list of all of our favorite usernames we encounter. Yours just got added. XD

If they could find a way for the man to carry the baby to term and the man wanted to pay for the procedure to move the fertilized egg to his own body then sure, MAYBE? But it’s not your goddamn body that gets to be fucked up by pregnancy. These men that talk about pregnancy like keeping it is a no-brainer have no idea

Absolutely! I’m very open about what I’ve had done because it helped me. I was scared about lipo, especially after seeing certain celebrities that got bad work done, but with the results that I got, I couldn’t be happier. Trimming excess skin should be even less likely to cause unsmooth dimpling, but you may have a

Maybe, if guys wanted to get with girls, they should ask a girl. Because I can assure you that I have no time for this bullshit. I know what I want, I know when I want it and if you come between me and my career, your ass is history.

My fiance was roommates with a pickup artist and when I met them, they gave me this

Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that what other people do to pass their spare time affected you so much. I’m sure they have therapy for that though.

Oh thank god I cook mexican food really well. You can come over for dinner! =D

Awesome! That is all mostly good news. I wrote a letter to the governor asking him to veto the women’s rights stuff because there was no way I could live in a state like that. Nice to see he followed through. I swear, conservatives cannot deal with people bettering themselves unless it’s for their entertainment on

That’s really good to hear. Like I said, we’re probably going to be in Arizona for a while because we need to save money if we’re ever going to retire one day. While I like the idea of being able to live in a 1200sqft house for anywhere below $500k and being able to save, the social policies really bother me, like

OMG to Sara Wedemeyer! PLEEEEEASE tell me that this is Tokyo Sushi in the College Area around SDSU because there are people like that in there ALL the time. My fiance and I love eaves dropping on people there.

I agree with everything except the final action sequence. That was a fucking masterpiece, where cinematography truly became art in a damn action superhero movie of all things. How often does that happen??

I worked in the ad industry in Orange County early in my career for a company run by men that thought they were LITERALLY mad men, even designed their company and branding after them. After hearing depraved things from being asked to imitate giving head on camera during a company photoshoot, asked for blowjobs by one

SAME! Come with us when we leave! By next winter, we are leaving California for good!

I was born San Bernardino and grew up in San Diego. I have lived all over the county and have a job making well over the national average, as does my partner. We are leaving California, hopefully by next year because the taxes are too high (which wouldn’t be a problem if they actually helped the communities and people

To be fair, almost no one in San Diego likes the Chargers and no one likes Qualcomm Stadium either. It’s only good for swap meets and the BIG CAR TENT SALE. (If you live here, you totally read that in the radio voice and you know it; don’t lie.)

That’s what I’m thinking. Skyrim has stuff like this as well, like that one sunken ship off the northern coast. Bethesda had said they originally intended to make that part of a questline, but ultimately decided against it, even though you can still find the ship in the game.

Since people don’t seem to understand:

If you do something that people are offended by, you don’t get to tell them that what you did doesn’t offend them. If a woman is offended by something sexist, you can’t tell her that YOU didn’t think it was sexist, so it isn’t sexist. If a lemon is a lemon, then you don’t get to

Gotta love psychotic people using other people’s mental illness as a way to justify dehumanizing them, humiliating them and controlling them.

“Have a rational conversation with me..... OR I’LL KILL MYSELF!”


OMG, does your mom wear oversized wolf shirts that have one wolf on a mountain in the distance and in the “sky” there are two close up shots of possibly the same wolf from different angles? Because those are the only people that gift that kind of shit.


I’ve had to do this kind of shit all through my career. Male developers won’t take my advice when I offer it about switching from set up to PHP. Get laughed out of the room. Pitch my idea to a new male contractor, who then pitches the idea and the new platform is set up within a year. Men have a hard time