
You can’t argue with this asshole. All he does is say the exact opposite of whatever you say and then berate you with unfounded insults and splitting hairs regarding syntax and the english language. Lol. Scroll through his discussions linked to his account and you’ll get an idea of why arguing with this basement

Well, there you have it. On top of that, I’m the only one that seems able to comment without throwing around personal attacks or swearing in every single reply. You have so much credibility. XD

Again, if you can’t prove your claims about making tons of money or working in Congress, then I’m just assuming everything you

Why are you still spending precious moments talking to me when you’re supposed to be on vacation? =,]

So everything you say is unsupported and I’m the only one who has bothered to come to the table with proof. =] This stupid bitch thinks your basement must be dingy. Until you can prove any of the ridiculous claims you make, I’ll be sitting here enjoying the entertainment.

I’m sure you can support that claim with proof. =]

How would I have EVER lived without the details of your life? Careful, your neckbeard might be sensitive when you emerge from your parents’ basement.

Okay, literature major. This is comedy at this point.

LOL. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I’m honored that you’ve created an entire account dedicated to talking to me. So sweet. =]

Yep. Totally.

That’s HAML, not source code, genius. HAML is turned into HTML which is viewable as source code, but you still wouldn’t be able to see the HAML structure or the embedded Ruby. LOLLL. So no, you can’t just bring up what I do on any webpage. Keep dreaming, bud.

You’re so right, what do I know about tech? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, you’re so right. What do I know about tech? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, you’re so right. What do I know about tech? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Haha okay. ;] Whatever you say bud.

Btw, we actually confirmed that that was you based on previous comments and tracking your IP address through your VPN. Fucking with developers isn’t a smart idea, Congress Janitor.

You’re my hero! =D

That’s because women took a bite of the forbidden fruit first and we must therefore dress like the evil queens we are. CAPES AND HIGH COLLARS FOR ALLLLL! Make sure to use your Dipbrow to draw your eyebrows on EXTRA evil so you don’t tempt any boys or male chaperones. XD Like someone else said, I can’t even get angry

I hear you’ve been banned from some Runescape and Counterstrike forums as well.