had a delightfully slutty low neckline and bare arms though. i think my mom really enjoyed me going to prom as Goth Princess Extraordinaire.
Pretty sure she’s showing too much cleavage there....
tbh, if I could do prom all over again, I’d totally rock a high collared velvet gown
I’m not going to spout off on how dress codes are sexist bullshit again because we’ve been covering this like weekly and I’m too tired to get outraged anymore, but they really should have (re?)informed the student body of this more than a week before prom. Unless parents can exchange or return the dresses they bought…
Funny, I’ve worked in politics and consider that resume to be a detriment to credibility, not an asset.
White people are so fragile. We have the upper hand in basically every social structure in the U.S. How about we let people call it out without risk of being fired from their jobs?
Does anyone think H&M has gone downhill in the past couple of years? they used to be my favorite store, but now they’re just one step above wet seal, but twice the price. Say what you will about Forever 21 but at least they remain dirt cheap.
I guess in short I’m saying that while yes, in the context of blacks and whites, what she said will do no real harm other than irritating some folks (while the reverse - whites saying same about blacks - is obviously not true), in the context the left in this country and elsewhere it causes real harm and may cost…
I’m a North African Jew, which means that in France, my relatives and their neighbors are more likely to get murdered for who they are than any other ethnic/religious group. I’m also a member of various groups where almost everyone is on the left in the U.S. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been told by folks on…
I 100% agree with you until the last sentence. It’s one thing if a random black person says a not so nice thing about you, but a university professor, especially a sociologist, should have higher standards. Also, there needs to be consideration of how these things play out in other countries, given just how loudly the…
White enslavement of black people is more recent and its effects are still being felt today. I don’t know if it was worse than some of the slavery that occurred in other time periods, but what it is still politically relevant. Even though slavery is over, white Americans are still benefiting from it. If a black person…
I think that your diagnosis of those who called her out is spot on. But I’m really troubled by the number of people here who a) think that doing the same back is somehow justified and b) seem to take it as a given that b) slavery by whites was worse than any other slavery which is very historically dubious
These guys calling for her head are probably the same ones crying about free speech and censorship when Anthony Cumia lost his job for being a racist asshole. When white men say something racist or sexist they're just speaking the truths others are afraid to say or refusing to bow down to political correctness. But…
yes because that’s how context works
Yeah that line in sthe story bugs me.
"Fuck your tea kettle warmer," is the greatest thing I have read all day. I am seriously contemplating turning it into my personal 'fuck you non-sequitor battle cry' for those days you just need to rage through.
I have been booed in thirty countries. I have been booed following UFC victories. I’m more used to being booed by a…
The Satanic Temple has filed suit against Missouri, alleging that the state’s anti-abortion restrictions interfere…