
Hahah, about three-four days later, I was thinking, Hey! I haven’t bruised at all! #soblessed, when my neck turned yellow over night. It was pretty gross, but no one seemed to notice from a distance. I just threw on a scarf and carried on about my day.

Everyone where I work is used to be getting stuff done now, so I

I believe so, but I’ve not personally had it done.

You’re welcome! I’ve had quite a bit done myself beyond that and I’m very open for anyone who might be curious.

I was terrified the first time I got anything done. My nose was pretty deviated, had a large bump and highly placed nostrils. But once I got it done, it was exactly how I’d pictured myself all along. I’m an

Well a little background of my circumstances: I gained nearly 50lbs after getting clean after using from the age of 14 to 22 and being 98lbs at 5’3. I was by no means fat, but the bloating sent fat to places I didn’t know I even got fat, especially since I was in poor health during puberty, I had no idea what my

No painkillers once I woke up. (They put me under because I’m unrealistically scared of needles) They put me under for it, but I never even filled my prescription for the vicodin the ordered for me or took tylenol afterward. It just wasn’t painful.

Also, they can do liposuction while you’re awake by simply giving you a

I just got lipo on my neck. Got it on a Friday, back to work on Monday, almost zero bruising and needed no pain killers.

Do you know nothing about what happens in jail? Worse shit than that. If you somehow think that an unruly prisoner deserves to have their face smashed into the floor instead of being strapped to a safety chair with a spit mask on, you need to be voted off the fucking island.

So can a lot of serious criminals who are in prison for life for things like murder, molestation and whatever. Cops and prison guards aren’t allowed to brutalize them either and are trained to not respond with anger or retaliate when a prisoner does something stupid.

If this is his reaction to having some bad language

If the bathroom closet is always unlocked, how can they be so sure that someone doesn’t place a camera in there? That’s presenting an unsafe environment for your patrons.

The fact that anyone has to justify when they sprouted boobs as an reason NOT to be harassed on the street as a child is ridiculous. A kid is a kid and a 12-13 year old is WAY different that a girl who may be 16-18 the majority of the time.

The sick trend of grown men being attracted to 12 year olds though... that’s

I’m having an Alice in Wonderland wedding and I’m getting one of those crazy topsy turvy cakes and there are going to be flamingos around the whole ceremony. This is the cake topper we got. =D

Whoever snitched, tsk tsk tsk. If her page wasn’t private, tsk tsk tsk on her.

I hear that! I’m only 24 years old and learned to code in middle school, went to college, couldn’t find a decent job in my field and fell back on coding. Getting a job in the tech industry isn’t that difficult if you know what you’re doing. It’s the fact that I’ve had 4 jobs in the last four years and have been

85 is the name of a model of .38, that’s the only thing I could think of. People are ridiculous ignorant when it comes to guns.

Berets are the new fedoras.

Isn’t that what some serial killers and pedophiles always say? That they took the person because they wanted it, that she “told me with her eyes” or some crazy delusional stuff like that? Maybe he’s getting dementia in his old age or he’s just extremely “rapey”.

Because telling you to calm down after you missed the joke was a figure of speech. Seriously. Look at all of the comments that have come out of you misunderstanding a joke and then not understanding the humorous response to confirming that yes, I was just making a joke and understand that Fox’s cable network is

Calling someone an asshole when they are being rude is expected, like when you decided to insult my joke, when clearly, some people thought it was funny. Don’t be surprised when people call a spade a spade. (Also another figure of speech, incase that one flies over your head too)

Taking offense to a humorous figure of

*Says something rude*
*Gets called on it*
*Tells person they just insulted to calm down*


The 76 people that liked the post disagree with you. Stop being such a wet blanket, asshole.