It is literally a figure of speech. You are making something out of nothing. It’s not even funny anymore.
It is literally a figure of speech. You are making something out of nothing. It’s not even funny anymore.
At least she looks better in an American Flag bikini than most American women, including myself.
Your hyperbole is the only thing that kept me from punching my computer screen for this entire article. I haven’t seen an Adam Sandler movie since 50 First Dates and I don’t plan to in the future.
Again, it’s a joke and now you’re taking it personally. That’s why you need to calm down. Lol.
Pot meet kettle. Again, not understanding the word ‘no’ could put you in prison. When someone is asking you to leave them alone, you should probably do it. I’ll be reporting you now.
Careful, not understanding the word “no” can get you into trouble. Maybe I’ll be more clear. FUCK OFF.
Oh hey look! A man who can’t take no for an answer. I said goodbye. What aren’t you understanding?
YES!!!! But I’d rather see them in crop tops. I don’t want their nipples to get burned!
You are dense. Enjoy being a piece of shit human who seems to not care about boundaries when it comes to women’s bodies. You seem FAR more interested in arguing with me that talking about the original topic. Good bye.
Wow that was one of the best things I’ve read in a long time! Most people on our news channels (Though I feel I should mention that this show was on Fox’s cable network, not their news channel. I was just making a joke) don’t even know what they’re talking about half the time, no matter what side they’re on. They are…
It was a jooooke. Calm dowwwwwn. =]
It was a jooooke. Calm dowwwwwn. =]
Hey ladies! Just remember! You aren’t allowed to have an opinion that a man disagrees with, especially because they’re sensitive and think every opinion is directed SPECIFICALLY toward them! =D Thank you, Mr. Moth, for reminding me that women’s opinions don’t matter. A+ (Btw, in case you were wondering, NOW I’m…
Was he afraid you were Chris Hanson in a child-like temptation suit or something? WTF is wrong with people who think women minding their own business are telepathically asking for sex, especially CHILDREN! Ugh. I want to punch the world in the groin.
If viewing audiences see head scarves though, they might start believing that Islamic people aren’t out to get us. THEN WHO WOULD WATCH FOX? Smh.
Do you take everything you read on the internet so personally? Imagine going through years of systematic oppression, you voice your opinion and then you get bombarded with comments like yours along the lines of “It’s not against the law” or my favorite “Not all men!” This is not about you, and your outrage that I’m…
It wasn’t a personal attack, it’s a general frustration.
Secondly, I wasn’t aware I was in English class and you were incapable of going to Google and looking up things for yourself. Let me help you out with that.… - Spoiler Alert, they won. (this was a group of women who…
Under US law, there have been numerous cases of women winning legal battles against men who upload their photos to porn sites without their permission. At the end of the day though, law doesn’t make something “right” or “morally acceptable”. I’m not saying taking their photos was wrong, but sharing them on porn sites…
So women don’t even have bodily autonomy for simply leaving their homes? Oh right, this is 1715, not 2015. What was I thinking?