
Yeah, don’t get me wrong, as I’ve gotten older, I have met a couple really great people and a lot of other great women gaming. I’m sure the percentage of asshole gamers to gamers who simply want to enjoy themselves and unwind is small, but it’s that small group that basically made me ask my mom at 10 years old why a

I played MMORPGs when I was 10-11, stuff like Runescape, waaaay back in the early 2000s, and I made my character a female to reflect my IRL gender. This was my introduction to gaming pervs.

Random guys would come up and tell my character how how she was and ask me questions about whether or not I was of age and if I


Okay, I think I’m getting it. Now does a bald eagle have to watch me as I eat these cherry pits soaked in America’s liquid gold?

Ahhh! Really? Everyone has been telling me that that’s just how it is. I’m going to schedule an appointment asap. Thank you!

What if I soak those cherry pits in vodka before I eat them? Will I still get into heaven?

It’s a lot less carats than 100. Lol.

I have the same fears! Eep! Thank you for the great advice. =]

I was going to do what my mom did and just wear an engagement ring, but the more I wear it, the more I think I might get a band to wear instead. Maybe get a LotR band. Lol.

I work in programming so I’m just at a desk all day. That’s great advice though. My hubby is probably going to use that option because he works on cars. My issues are with the every day stuff, so if I took it off for that, I’d never end up wearing it on my finger. Lol! But I appreciate the advice. I may implement it

It’s like costume jewelry! I thought that getting an engagement ring would be wonderful, but I’m not a jewelry person and have found that it gets caught in EVERYTHING and it’s only a carat with a handful of side stones. My hair, the pillow, my clothes, other people’s hair. I should have just gotten a ring tattoo.

You’ve been reported because you can’t take no for an answer. Good bye.

Do you not know what “no” means or do you just not care? That’s a great view on life if you want to end up in prison.

This is you, btw. Take a hint.

Going to go back and insult previous posts because I’m not taking the bait anymore? Apparently, you still can’t read.

All I get from this is that the squares are finally realizing that drugs aren’t inherently worse for you than plenty of the other vices we partake in so now they’re all jumping on the bandwagon.

This also reminds me of the episode of Weeds where she marks up her prices on her bud because rich people were wanting to

And yet you still made the claim, without facts to back you up. Until it can be proven otherwise, why would you spout something like that? Congratulations, that’s how sexism happens! =D

You, sir, are a fucking sealion. Go back to 4chan where people actually feel like spending their entire day debating shit with


A logical person is capable of doing research and coming to a conclusion. I’m not arguing that men and women have some differences due to their hormones and development. You’d have to be a dumbass to argue that.

What I’m saying is that how a man and woman use their brains to come a conclusion doesn’t make a

Unless it’s Mousetrap.

That has absolutely nothing to do with motor skills and whether or not women could be good at chess. Complete ad hominem.

Also, that science has nothing to do with whether or not my uterus will fall out if I run, which as ALSO considered scientific fact until women proved it wrong. Lol.

I also heard that twinkies

The red pills must have crack in them.