
YES! I got Steven Johnson syndrome from several of the medications (all in the same family) and of the close to hundred meds I was on, I only found one that I had to cut in half to be able to wake up and go to work the next day. But I personally was able to even stop taking that after consulting with my doctor.


That is amazing!

Hahah yessss! I've done that, also take lots of supplements, vitamins. I took up pilates as well because walking several miles a day just wasn't enough. I'm in a lot of pain especially after pilates because there's weight training involved, but in the grand scheme of things, I feel better and I feel healthy for the

That's WAY too much effort and you have to clean the rack after.

Instead, cut an avocado in half. Remove the pit from the one side. Then take your knife and cut a checkered pattern into the avocado, pressing all the way to the skin, but not through it. Then turn it over a bowl and squeeze the skin.

BOOM! Perfectly

I used to be a republican, but now I don't know what I am. That party claims to be so religious and yet does everything their religious text tells them not to and then spends money on stupid things like real wars and drug wars for personal profit. NOOOO thanks! Lol.

Legalize and tex everything, then we can take the

LOLLLLLLL. And you're the reason our country can't advance with the rest of the developed world.

I recently wrapped up extensive diagnostic testing for rheumatoid conditions and all kinds of stuff, only to be told that I have fibromyalgia, a severe vitamin D deficiency, and I've suffered from depression and anxiety as a result of my pain and lack of sleep from said pain for nearly 10 years.

The medications that I

I love how republicans say they hate taking care of poor people who are on welfare and yet they want to make it as hard as possible for poor people to get a proper education including the science behind reproduction and access to care that would include family planning, birth control and YES, MOTHERFUCKING ABORTIONS.


Do republicans exist to just make everyone that is worth less than a cool $1mil feel like they are less than dirt? Like, just admit you're all fascists already so we can have it all out in the open.

It must be nice to be so rich and set for life that THIS is the thing that wakes you up a night, the fact that women are wearing yoga pants in public.

Maybe she wouldn't be so uptight if she wore yoga pants instead of starched clothing. Ew.

What are your thoughts on the L'occitane products?

Also, I just hit VIB status and was wondering if the contour makeover and the VIB makeovers are awesome enough to do before a night out?

They should have called it "The section where people focus on working out and not picking up other sweaty people to do sweatier things in the locker rooms". That's not discriminatory.

Pete's posture reminds me of this guy from the Hobbit.

DAMMIT! I'm using a honeymoon fund and hoping to forego gifts to just get maybe $1000-$2000 if we're lucky so Hawaii won't be too expensive for a five days. At least I don't feel so bad for asking for money after seeing these people.

I feel like Michael Cera should have been in this awkward mess that I'll pay to see anyway because I love YA.

Working in the tech industry, I would often suggest things at some of the past companies I worked for and would be completely ignored or otherwise laughed at for my opinions in wanting to step up our game.

When we hired new guys at those companies, I planted my ideas with them and told them they should pitch the ideas

I have a bachelor's degree and I'm a self taught programmer, my fiance is a dispatcher and contract writer in the HVAC industry that only has a GED. We have four pets and support his disabled mom and grandma and have a 1200sqft house in Southern California.

While we got a decent neighborhood, it's an older city with a

Eggs cause a lot of damage if you don't notice the egging right away. Right when I bought my first brand new car, it got egged by neighborhood kids the same week. If you throw them at point blank range, it causes spiderweb damage to paint and other fragile stuff and also causes certain materials to degrade like

If men only tune in to see a woman's skin, then they're the assholes. A man can appear shirtless in a stream and no one cares! If you're unable to listen to a female because you can see her collar bones or the tops of her breasts, you need to consider leaving the house more often so you can remember how to function in

I'm getting married this October and it appears that we're going to be spending around $15,000-$20,000 for an Alice in Wonderland (book theme, not Disney themed) Halloween wedding this October for about 80 people. That's not including the Honeymoon, but we're crowd sourcing that.

Ironically, this is one of the cheapest