
I have an avoid haircut and I love it. No fucks given!

The secret to long lasting marriage/relationship is having your own life and hobbies outside of your relationship life with your SO.

I'm keeping my sweatpants, thanks.

Yeah, as someone who lives on the Mexican American border, I've seen these and they are a Mexican cultural thing. Appropriation.

Does this mean the US can finally edit the Declaration of Independence to say "All people are created equal" instead of "All men are created equal", because that would be kind of cool, not totally necessary, but cool.

We should stone him to death, because that's what we've done as humans for thousands of years to the sexually depraved and immoral. Even in Jesus' time. So that makes it okay.

Can we all agree that the clothes hanger should NOT be used as a logo for the pro-choice movement? It makes us look barbaric and we all know we aren't by any means. A coat hanger has become a symbol of misogyny and back alley abortions and doesn't promote safe procedures preformed by medical professionals.

Food shows are a good chunk of what saved my life when I was using and was so below a healthy BMI that I was killing myself. Up until then I was extremely picky as well and hadn't even eaten an onion until I was 19 years old.

Watching Chopped, Masterchef, Bizarre Foods and all of those other competitive cooking shows

I feel like this will work about as well as the condom law they passed in California for the porn industry. Here's to hoping it works though!

AW Boo!! My favorite brand is called Truly Edibles. They have a whole line of chocolate bars, from plain old milk chocolate, to crispy chocolate, sea salted caramel, dark chocolate, etc. They also have a super high dose line that comes in red packaging, but seeing as one bar of the regular is 100mg and I only need

If you don't mind my asking, what state are you in, if in the US? I might be able to recommend a few brands. =] I'm not a smoker personally, so edibles are the only way I can manage my rheumatoid problems and still function/make a living. Love them! Finding the right ones can definitely be tough though, then figuring

Yes! Even modern acts like Taylor Momsen. She sings plenty about being underage, drinking, drugs and getting with men in their late 20s. Let's be a little more outraged that that kind of stuff is marketed toward teenagers of the Tumblr variety and this makeup is targeted toward women in their 20s with a raunchy theme.

When I was in college, I would lean out of the shower and do lines off the bathroom counter. This was effective until the shower went on too long and the damp air made the blow too wet to get through a straw. Drugs in bathrooms while showers are running are hard to do.

Now that I'm an adult, I just eat a bite of

RocknRoll culture is filled with references to underaged dating. This is nothing new.

I nominate this girl to be Queen of the Earth. Protect her at all costs until she can take the throne on her 18th birthday!

He's Just Not That Into You would say that that is the exception that proves the rule. Lol. There's an entire monologue in the beginning that talks about how women tell each other stories about how they or someone they know had something really lucky happen to them so that means there's hope for everyone else, when

Save yourself the therapy and just watch "He's just not that into you". If a dude likes you, he won't be able to get enough of you for a good long time. Obviously the honeymoon phase wears off eventually, but not in a course of weeks.

If he seems hot and then cold like an apartment building shower, you need to run and

OH MY GOD! That last one!

I was staying at a Holiday Inn on Thanksgiving night on Hollywood Blvd with my family. My dad was getting a cosmetic surgery the next day at Cedar Sinai so my mom and sisters and I were all going to initiate ourselves into the madness that is Black Friday.

We checked in around 8pm and at

They also care when you threaten cops online. They look up IP addresses and spare nothing to get at the bad guys then. But when it's a woman, eh, that's a lot of effort and paper work.

So what I'm seeing is an opportunity to create jobs by properly staffing a department that realized it had a responsibility on another front of terrorism. As a female, the kinds of vile things I get on almost a weekly basis is disgusting and I'm not even a "someone".

Lawmakers need to get over the whole "the internet

Baby Lips Dr. Rescue in Too Cool and Carmex. I keep it simple and cheap.

Baby Lips is my every day lip balm. It's moisturizing and whenever I have tried switching, nothing else is as light, non-sticky or lays nicely under lipstick.

When the weather shifts and we have Santa Anas, I just use good ole Carmex to prevent

Baby Lips Dr. Rescue in Too Cool and Carmex. I keep it simple and cheap.

Baby Lips is my every day lip balm. It's