
As an artist, my family kept me from going on our school's Europe trip my senior year so that I could go on my own trip to Italy to see my favorite paintings and places from all of the classes I'd taken growing up. But there's also a ton of gorgeous artwork in Israel and throughout the Middle East that I was hoping to

Despite the fact that I was constantly pining for a good boyfriend in college, my friends constantly told me that I should be sexing everything in sight because they were all tired in their relationships.

Needless to say, I had the sex a lot, but never really liked anyone enough to settle down.

I spent most of college

This is what the Nazis did too. Ultra conservatism is dangerous because they believe that knowledge of the past and history create people that are too intelligent and might stand up to those in charge.

They destroy art, relics and anything that doesn't have to do with THEM because they don't want anyone to know about

Wine is... sorta raisins.... *glug glug glug*

But... but... meth and tina are pretty much the same thing.

Yes! That's what's funny about this nation. The people that throw around nasty words like that are the ones guilty of them.

Professor thinks nothing will every change, but calls his students who are protesting for change cynical.

I always read these articles in Stefon's voice.

Watching this video, I have so much more hope for humanity seeing these young people you are so much more educated than the very people who are supposed to be teaching them. So much respect!

No one ever talks about how white people kill white people and all other kinds of people all of the time. White people are also the biggest scam artists of call time. The majority of wall street is full of white people that are so rich from their schemes that they will never see a day in prison for the shit that they

Benghazi. *cough*

Sorry, but I can't take anyone from Chapel Hill seriously after all of the drama that's gone down there as of late. Personal bias. Carry on.

I designed my own Save the Dates, custom sized, cut, everything and they got sent off to another location in LA and I'm all the way down in San Diego. Not fun! Trying to get them to my house SOMEHOW.

The problem with this country on a whole and how we've handled the drug war is that stirring the public up into a panic about totally bogus things is what causes more people to use.

Here's an example. Marijuana is listed as a Schedule I substance, up there with Heroin, LSD, GHB, Ecstasy, MDMA, etc. A Schedule I

I'm not saying two wrongs make a right and I'm definitely speaking out of emotion here, so take it with a grain of salt, but anyone who wants to dictate what you should or shouldn't do to save yourself as a victim of rape, deserves to be raped by someone twice their size and see how easy it is to just "sit their

My parents banned everything, from Harry Potter to Scooby Doo to Power Rangers. We lived an hour away from my private school and I wasn't allowed any friends to come over because my parents didn't want them seeing how nicely we lived.

I turned to Myspace and ended up on hard drugs by 14, a victim of a child porn sex

I changed my username for this. I love her smile!

Still better than Christina Aguilera.

They have about six people on their tech response team to monitor the more than 1 billion people saying things on their site. They are EXTREMELY under staffed and unqualified to handle the information being spread on their website.

And that is such a better response that some of the things you read on TMZ talking about her heritage and bringing immigration into this and stuff. At the end of the day, she wasn't doing anything I wasn't private life-wise when I was in college or what many middle-aged white lawyers or politicians get caught doing

Female developer here. The computer science industries are one of the most sexist career markets you can enter. I'm only 24 years old and have had to jump around multiple times in the last three years to avoid sexual harassment, being underpaid even compared to MY MALE INTERN, and assault all at the hands of male