I was hoping it'd be like this:
It went a little like this:
I've been pining for one of those. I feel certain they'll be very poplar.
Everybody go to LOFT and get curvy jeans. Case closed.
Also, LOL.
That lady is thrilled to be there. She's changing lives!
How much would you have to be paid to be "the face of sharting"?
FINALLY. Jez is covering something I feel passionate about. SHARTING RUINS LIVES.
High school. Yes, I know we're "high school sweethearts." Bleh.
My beau & I met at an orgy. And then we had our first date during the NYC Groupthink meetup!
Six months prior, he had humiliated me in a class he was TA-ing. I sat behind him in another class, and the instructor kept talking about Franz Schubert's syphilis "attacks."
During a break, I was ranting to my friends about the excessive and nonsensical use of the phrase "syphilis attakcs" as he walked by, and I…
Speaking from a Thai perspective, I think it says more that someone else is telling her story than herself as she just wants to lead a normal life. Being humble is greatly valued so for someone to narrate the commercial it gives more "weight" to her story. It's all about being humble and discreet which shows a…
You're really overthinking this. Its a man telling a story about his friend, and why he thinks she's a beautiful human being. He even says explicitly that she is very ordinary and not beautiful-looking, but that it is her heart that makes her beautiful. Testimonials are fairly common narratives, I don't think it…
Assuming he has legitimate anxiety (which is a very gracious case of "benefit of the doubt"), then he could have dropped the class and signed up for something else. Or he could have worked with the school's disability office (I know my undergrad university had one) to find a compromise. Universities have systems in…
I keep reading this and getting more annoyed.
Dude. If you're too uncomfortable to go the the class ever (or even to stay the full time the first day), then drop the class. I uphold the professor's decision.
What's the point in anyone even attempting to understand why they were wrong and move on if we're going to punitively insist on people who mess up "living with the consequences"? Christ. People fuck up. It would be better if they hadn't, but apologizing is better than not apologizing. And believing that no one wants…
In tears, he called his wife, who texted their daughter, Nicole. She was in a school assembly, and immediately ran to the front of the room to announce the victory. "The whole school got up and cheered," he recounted.
Maybe this will stop the Lorde Age Truthers who believe she's actually a 35 year old pretending to be 17. Hint: it won't stop the Lorde Age Truthers.