
I'm Hispanic and light-skinned but when I was in the 6th grade, I got to play Harriet Tubman and I fucking killed it. My mom helped me to make the costume and ran lines with me. At one point in the monologue, I fell asleep because I read somewhere that she had narcolepsy from an injury as a child. She would fall

Definitely read that as "Dead NFL Player Surprises Girls Who Wrote Him Adorable Note," and I enjoyed the twist ending where it turned out he was not dead at all.

Is google broken?

Hiring Kyosuke To Write About Trans (and a lot of other) Issues: You're Doing It Right

love you. <3

And if they could stop 'pinning' the back of the clothes so it "fits" (WRONG) better, that'd be great, too.

There needs to be a Breaking Bad course. Or Ph.D. Whatever. Somethin'.

This course should clearly only be taught at BlueIvyLeague schools.

I listened to her album 5-6 times yesterday to see what all the fuss was about. I really wish she was around when I was a teen. Her BSS reference made my day. Confirmed fan right here.

Easy - do I have to walk home a ways from the gym? Yes. During that walk (and since I had to stretch a lot before leaving because I am getting old and require stretching) did my sweat-wicking clothes dry out? Yes. Am I heading home with no where public to be until next day? Yes. No shower until morning. PLUS,

Mandatory showers for all 6th graders. I don't care that you don't think you smell. MANDATORY.

Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's MDMA.

What's really great is that this video has clearly been *edited*. Meaning he didn't just drunkenly record it and post it, he sat down and watched it and cut out the parts he didn't think were good enough, then gave us the rest.

This. The privileged/majority group does not get to tell the mistreated/oppressed/minority group how to feel about being mistreated/oppressed.

You know Hermione started by saying that we are losing our shit over Macklemore, but you know what? A lot of us are now losing our shit more about having a whole shit load of straight people jumping in to tell us to shut up or that we should be ashamed of ourselves. You don't find that just a tad fucked right up?

I love her, but sometimes I wonder how much of her real girl charm is a sham. Her genuine response to this - and her inability to let it go, continuing to tell the reporter she's a terrible person - makes me feel like her personality is completely legit. That wasn't the response of someone putting on a show, that

I wouldn't say I've been part of the accident crowd so much as the extreme mortification crowd on this. The first incident was when I lived overseas at 16 and wanted to wax my bikini line because duh, anyone can do it - and themselves! So off I marched after school to the local pharmacy which sold beauty products