You must be such an amazing photographer to never use photoshop! What kind of camera do you use? The iPhone 5 or 5S?
You must be such an amazing photographer to never use photoshop! What kind of camera do you use? The iPhone 5 or 5S?
I don't know how much time yuou spend on GT but on any given day at least 50% of posts are about cat versus dog, youtube, and gifs.
BECAUSE BURT IS MEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAN!!!!! And I wrote her an epic poem and made her a naked burt logo and everything. BURT I HOPE YOU'RE READING THIS YOU UNGRATEFUL WOMAN
Have I personally offended you? I've seen you on here before and know you're not a troll. Are you just a massive fucking asshole, or what is your deal? My point was that these aren't particularly edited shots and that they were fairly true to the original photos, so the bounty on the pictures did not serve any purpose…
After spending 15 years as a photographer and countless hours in the darkroom, I am authorized to say you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Dodge and burn, fool. Dodge and burn.
False alarm everyone. Pigeon has been located. Haha.
I don't find any of these changes offensive at all. Actually, it's sort of offensive that Jezebel was so convinced Lena couldn't actually look that good without heavy photoshopping.
Actually and hilariously she did, Jez fucked that one up too
We only like thin women, most of them white. But we're able to relax our pube policy, guys! Isn't that so progressive and edgy of us?
Thank GOD! I have been waiting to hear what you think. I can relax now.
sorry Burt, but this dress was better
You know, when I first started working on the story, that feeling you mention was hard to shake. But the more people I talked to, the more time I spent reading court docs and messages (I've got tons more we didn't publish), the less I felt that way.
In late August 2012, a Columbus, Ohio father of three noticed something strange as he sat down at the computer.…
What about:… ("Restaurants have high operating expenses and the actual net profits are typically much less than the gross profits. Net profit margins at restaurants nationwide average just 4 percent, according to the research and information services department of the National…
No kids under 10 is probably a safe policy. I would have no problem with someone (with cash to burn) taking their well behaved aspiring-chef 1o year old out for a birthday dinner. In fact, I remember seeing a really sweet thread on a French food forum when I lived in Paris in which a mom was taking her young 8ish…
Having had a very incredible dinner at Alinea with my wife earlier this year, I would have ABSOLUTELY LOST MY SHIT if there was a crying infant in the restaurant during dinner when I had made a special trip to Chicago from Dallas just to eat at the restaurant and go to a day of Lollapalooza. If the restaurant is going…
I mentioned elsewhere that I tend to avoid prix fixe places because I have a food allergy that usually ruins my experience at these places through no fault of their own, but I really like this network of restaurants/cocktail lounges. The Aviary is awesome. And we got lucky in that we just decided "to try" one night,…