
He was my daughter’s micro-soccer coach when she and his kid were 4 years old. He couldn’t have been nicer, more mellow, or better liked by the kids. He adapts to every situation to be great at whatever it is.

I know, sportsmanship, blah blah blah, but that’s the perfect time to practice risky plays. Only bad thing is maybe tipping your hand to early when you go against better opponents

Don’t feel any hurry to load it up with crap. Crap will come, inevitably. The downfall of any home is too much crap. No, I didn’t follow my own advice.

I’m of mixed feelings about it, but on the Pro side of doing it is that I think it’d be more effective if it were the norm—if every outlet did it. As far as I know, Slate and Reason are the only ones whose staffs reveal their votes every four years.

Pleasant! I went a few weeks ago and got stoned and then had some wine at a little wine-tasting hut they had set up on the orchard. Great way to spend a Sunday.

 some argue that her laser focus on winning the election has been more of a detriment than anything else.

Giuliani: Real-life Nosferatu (y / n)?

I found myself fondly reminiscing the days when tying your dog in its crate to the roof of your car was an authentic election season scandal. Life was simpler then.

I saw someone refer to Clinton’s outfit as a ‘white Lady Gandalf pantsuit. Now I want to make ‘#ladygandalfpantsuit’ a thing.

Everyone at their table:

But we don’t talk about it at the debates, largely because discussions about climate change are only conceptually scary and boring as hell.

Good ole Nintendo, they never learned after releasing the Nintendo Cuck in 1994...

Its also a thing that turns lights on and off. Silly nintendo.

fuck off. you don’t have any (as in zero) right to police someone else’s reaction to a sexual abuser on television shouting over and talking down to a woman who has been nothing but courteous to the mouthbreathing cheetoh anus that doesn’t deserve 1/164 of the “respect” he’s been given in the debates.

I gasped out loud, not at the venom behind the comment but at the naked misogyny. It’s specifically aimed toward Clinton as a woman - she’s “nasty” because she’s speaking plainly and negatively about him, and in his eyes a woman shouldn’t do that - she should be ladylike and not challenge a man.


please, he’s one of the most genuine people in Washington. granted that’s a low bar, but he’d clear even the highest bars of that measure.

You sound hurt.

Feel better now?

As an outsider (Brit) I don’t like to talk about politics here. It’s none of my business and it’s such a partisan issue to the people to whom it matters, but I’m going to break my own rule.