
“Look at that loser standing there with a bat on his shoulder. What a disaster. Dangerous, horrible looking person. And that moron with the mask and protective gear on. What the hell is he on about? Looks menacing. Probably celebrating a rape. Now he’s running toward that hero standing on the pitcher’s mound! Look

The arena DJ immediately playing “I Believe I Can Fly” is so perfect. It’s been the same guy for over 20 years. Always has the perfect song for any situation. One of the first in the league to start doing player-specific goal songs.

yeah pretty much. “Wow 6% thats dumb. Oh wait, youre an invincible corporate entity in the states, well I guess you do you.”

To be fair, while Trumps campaign is not the most terrifying act of terrorism in our generation, it is the longest.

Obviously that would be true. You would rather have a 30 year old college graduate running a nuclear power plant or a 7 year old? Trump’s knowledge level of history, science, government, world government, religion, foreign’s simply at the elementary school or Jr. High level.

No, I listen to Hillary’s facts and figures and decades of experience and realize she is the obvious choice between these two candidates. I listen to Trump attempt to even form coherent sentences and fail. Then look at his terrible ideas that would destroy the country, like his inept tax plan that would swell our debt

The level of fraud alone Trump is responsible for puts him a league Hillary can’t begin to touch. The only reason he’s not in prison is states, cities and contractors either settled out of court with the stipulation he would not admit fault, or they wrote off the debt he owes them because it would cost more to take

One example: Hillary and Donald both have charitable organizations. At most, Hillary’s has been accused of mismanagement during the Haiti reconstruction and giving favorable attention to people in exchange for donations. Around 85-90% of the donations to the organization goes to charity. Donald’s charity is under

That’s a super shitty idea.

There are levels to cheating though. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst cheater in history, Clinton would be a 2, Donald would be an 8.9.

Did your even read the article? It has nothing to do with Donald Trump.

“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

Eight wins in the front, four losses in the back.

No one, save idiots, believes the confederate flag to be a symbol of anything other than slavery and racism. History and heritage are convenient excuses for morons, but most of them don’t even believe those claims. It’s just cover.

Jill Stein is not the solution to your issues with Clinton. Get involved with local politics.

Not fair. His religious beliefs prevent him from to getting to third. Much less home.

Can’t I just sell Russia my credit card number directly?

Aw, someone didn’t read!

Amelia Cook obviously tried to make as clear as possible that she doesn’t think that the artists should be unable to freely express themselves or that anime has to change to accommodate her opinions. She only wants to express her opinion, which is shared by many others. What’s the harm in that?

Great interview! It’s upsetting that Amelia has to so blatantly (and repeatedly) state that she’s not advocating censorship. I expect there to be quite a few comments that cry censorship at her though.